Nursing home and day care center Sant Pere Claver

ABD gestiona Residence and Day Center Sant Pere Claver (Verdú, Lleida)  public ownership of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Assisted Residence is a permanent or temporary residential shelter service and comprehensive assistance to daily life activities for elderly people with dependencies. It provides services 24 hours a day every day of the year. It also has a day center.

Families need support in this day to day and in day care centers they provide a supportive environment for them while providing motivation for the people. We seek to preserve the dignity of the elderly, regardless of their Physical or cognitive limitations, and let’s see why the attitudes, words, forms and general treatment of all are respectful at all times.

It is a daycare service to support older people who need organization, supervision and assistance in daily life activities and complement their care of the family environment.

The Residence and Day Center Sant Pere Claver is credited as a Center free of subjection by CEOMA.

¿Where can you find us?

C. Molí de Vent 25340 Verdú (Urgell)
T. 973347249

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