
In Europe, the risk of poverty and social exclusion affects 122 million people. Even though friends and family have acted as a social shock absorber for unemployment, especially in Southern countries, there are lots of people who do not have a support network. This leads to situations where people end up living on the margins of society, dragging behind their problems accessing basic necessities or a decent housing, among others. This fact, together with the reduced influence of work as a mechanism of social inclusion (rise of short term contracts, poor salaries…), draws a perfect map for the continued increase of inequality and the perpetuation of the poverty spiral.

Our Response

Inequality is multidimensional and so is our response. We act to defend people’s rights.

Right to accessing basic needs

We provide food and clothes. We process social benefits. We prevent energy poverty.

Right to housing

Social housing for families in precarious situations. We manage financial support for rent and basic supplies. We offer psychological, legal, and educational help to evicted families.

Right to work

We elaborate insertion plans and manage job offers with companies in Spain. We work to achieve community-based job placements.

Right to citizenship

We host and support migrant people. We encourage coexistence, give value to diversity and respect minorities. We boost and facilitate community empowerment.

“Before the crisis I thought I could do everything I wanted, but that wasn’t the case. I lost my job and I’ve been unemployed for years. I hardly leave the house. Now, at least, I feel I’m part of the neighborhood, I feel useful.”

58 years old

“Things took a turn to the worse at home, we couldn’t pay the bills and we ended up getting evicted. We’ve finally regained hope.”

68 years old


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