Active women
Social and labor inclusion for women in poverty and social exclusion.
Social and labor inclusion for women in poverty and social exclusion.
Psychosocioeducational Care Center for women and their children victims of gender violence that provides intensive and long-term social, psychological and educational support for social and emotional recovery after the break with the situation of violence. North and South Centers, Madrid City Council.
Care4Trauma. Improving GBV survivors support services and the access to justice through Trauma-informed care
COPE and HOPE. Good practical approaches fostering social integration of migrant women victims of violence and human trafficking
Intervention program in nightlife, leisure and socialization venues to raise awareness and prevent GBV behaviours – including LGBTIphobia – linked to sexual violence and substance use.
Cut All Ties. Innovation to foster critical thinking tackling gender-based violence on youth affective sexual relationships.
Finding Assistance, Delivering Outreach: a comprehensive support system for victims of gender-based violence
Family violence care, treatment and prevention service in Barcelona.
Socialist and feminist entrepreneurship program for young mothers with children from 0 to 3 years old in a situation of social vulnerability.
European project that seeks to promote economic and social integration of migrant mothers between 25 and 45 years old, enhancing their present and future employability.
of the Regional Observatory of gender violence in Arroyomolinos.
POWER is a project that aims to contribute to support and develop the capacity of civil society organizations active at local, regional, national and European level in the fight against gender-based violence, thus promoting the full guarantee of women’s rights and equality between women and men, in all their diversity.
Gender-based educational program aimed at children, adolescents, young people and professionals in the prevention of sexist violence, lgtbifobias, bullying and sexuality.
Program for the promotion of sexual, affective and reproductive health from a gender perspective and LGTBIQ+.
Specialized Intervention Service for women victims of sexist violence and for their children in the Baix Llobregat region of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Specialized Intervention Service that offers comprehensive care and resources in recovery and reparation processes to women who have suffered or suffered violence, as well as their children.
Between the last months of 2024 and this January, the projects Agri 4 Integration, AMIR, Educate for Independence and Fado, in which ABD participates, have been launched. The initial meetings…
#REclaimTheNight wants to empower youth to take an active role in preventing prejudice, discrimination and harassment. Reclaim the night! With this title, the European project CRISSCROSS, coordinated by ABD, launches…
This spring the initial meetings of three new European projects took place, one of them coordinated by the ABD Group. Labor inclusion of migrant people The main objective of the…
ABD Group participated this wednesday, 28 of february, in the Citizen Forum organised by the Contact Points of the Citizens, Equality, Rights & Values Programme (CERV) of the European Union.…
Around 100 people attended the event to discuss about the prevention of GBV from different fields and perspectives The Final Conference of the LILA project, under the title “Addressing Gender-Based…
The event will be held on Friday February 23rd in La Cuina room, at the Espai Francesca Bonnemaison in Barcelona After two years of work, the LILA project prepares a…
European project presents its results with a policy recommendations report The European project Care4Trauma has recently presented its results, among which is a document of Policy recommendations, based on the…
It closes its trajectory with the celebration of the final event in Barcelona and the last meeting of the Consortium in Perugia Since February 2021, the project Mums at Work…
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