Dependency and elderly

We are faced with the unstoppable ageing of the population: in Europe, there are 94 million people over 65. We have the urgent challenge of improving the care system with a new socio-health care model that focuses on the people, based on full respect for dignity and rights. Elderly people and those with some kind of dependency have full right to a dignified and autonomous life.

Our Response

We believe in active ageing. We defend the rights of our elderly and dependents from a comprehensive socio-health care approach running from the most intensive care to support in everyday activities. We also encourage their participation in the community, always taking into account their interests and priorities.

Right to an active aging

We empower the elderly and dependent people and help them achieve autonomy and self-confidence.

Right to a dignified life

We acknowledge and mind the singularity of elderly and dependent people. We support and advise their families.

Right to an autonomous life

We empower the elderly and dependent people and help them achieve autonomy and self-confidence.

“I recovered my memory and the desire to have fun. Thank you!”

78 years old

Que todos los días sean miércoles, el spot de ABD sobre soledad no deseada

¿Te imaginas no tener a nadie con quien hablar, que no te suene nunca el teléfono o que si tienes un accidente en casa nadie se dé cuenta? Estos son situaciones cotidianas que se dan a miles de hogares y el vídeo.

#QueTodosLosDíasSeanMiércoles las busca visibilizar porque todas las personas somos susceptibles de sufrir soledad no deseada.

“I do memory activities, I go out, I’m making friends… at my age!”

81 years old


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