Gender equality

Gender discrimination hampers the development of people’s life and of the society as a whole. Today, women are still sidelined to spaces with weak decision-making power and less participation in public life, while the overload of family responsibility persists. The absence of real equality makes women the main target of poverty.

Moreover, sexist violence is far from decreasing: 33% of the women in Europe have suffered physical assaults, and this figure rises to 43% when talking about psychological abuse.

Our Response

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, as well as equal opportunities are fundamental pillars of our fight for gender equality. We support women to improve their confidence and autonomy.

Right to equality and non-discrimination

Raising awareness among young people through gender equality and misogynist violence prevention workshops. We detect and denounce discriminatory situations and models.

Sexual and Reproductive Rights

We combat human trafficking aimed at sexual exploitation. We raise awareness and empower women with regard to sexual and reproductive rights.

Right to physical and emotional integrity

We offer recovery support after suffering sexist violence.

Right to equal opportunities

We support plans for women in order to prevent vulnerability on the grounds of gender. Support for families with a gender approach.

“After going through hell for years with my husband, now I can finally smile again.”

70 years old

“I live in the street because I was deceived and forced into prostitution. Now I’m better and can live with dignity.”

21 years old


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