POWGEN aims to address existing issues in the integration of migrant individuals into the labor market through training and actions facilitating the development of skills in the renewable energy and energy rehabilitation sectors.


The project was born considering the inequality and difficulties faced by people with migrant background in accessing the labor market. According to a study by the Ministry of Inclusion in Spain, in 2021 migrant individuals represented 4% of the employed active population. In Italy, during the pandemic, migrant individuals accounted for 10% of the total population, under unfavorable conditions. Migrant workers occupy the most precarious jobs. In Germany, their participation is below the national average. In Portugal, during the year 2020, SEF (Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras) detected 590,348 migrant individuals, impacting public policies for integration into the labor market.

General objective:

POWGEN’s main objective is to increase the employability of migrant individuals through the creation of five local pilots in four European Union countries (Spain, Portugal, Germany, and Italy) focused on the renewable energy and energy rehabilitation sectors. The pilots are based on a training and job placement program that offers an intermediary service with companies in the sector.


Specific objectives:

  • Promote European intervention programs for labor inclusion of migrant individuals in the renewable energy sector.
  • Involve public administrations, insertion professionals, and construction and renewable energy companies in the design of a training program aimed at migrant individuals.
  • Increase the skills of professionals and organizations working with migrant individuals, promoting the exchange of practices and experiences in guidance, insertion, and job prospecting.
  • Improve the employability of between 150 and 250 migrant people including, at least, 20% women through the pilots.
  • Involve between three and six construction and renewable energy companies per pilot, ensuring work placements for at least 60% of trained individuals.
  • Create networks among entities to improve labor inclusion of migrant individuals in the energy rehabilitation and renewable energy sectors.
  • Advocate for policy changes at local and European levels to promote employment, recognition of qualifications, and inclusion of migrant individuals in the energy rehabilitation and renewable energy sectors.
  • Share results and increase awareness about the integration of migrant individuals into the labor market and highlight the positive effects of inclusive workplaces.

Main activities

  • Research and compilation of 10 sustainable best practices with the aim of highlighting key factors in terms of replicability and scalability.
  • Design of a training program to foster the inclusion in the European labor market of migrant individuals with fewer training and job opportunities (specifically in the renewable energy sector).
  • Design, implementation, and evaluation of five pilot tests in Barcelona, Lisbon, Frankfurt, Perugia, and Naples.
  • Creation of local groups in each country bringing together representatives of migrant organizations, construction or renewable energy companies, and representatives of public administration.
  • Creation of Labor Insertion Hubs in close coordination with communication and job prospecting activities, involving construction or renewable energy companies and offering tailored training programs and ensuring employability.
  • Training activity in Barcelona to establish the implementation methodology of the POWGEN Training Program in local pilot projects.
  • Knowledge and Experience Exchange Day in Lisbon aimed at professionals and companies to share and co-design a labor insertion plan and a sustainable intermediary service.
  • Local and European level awareness-raising communication campaign about the inclusion of migrant individuals into the labor market.
  • European Conference in Barcelona to share the results of the POWGEN project and promote networking among the different stakeholders involved.


  • Increased employability of between 120-150 people with migrant background through a personalized labor insertion itinerary.
  • Between 15 and 30 renewable energy companies join the project.
  • Between 150 and 300 professionals from Labor Insertion Hubs trained thanks to the POWGEN program.
  • At least 47 attendees at the Knowledge and Experience Exchange Day in Lisbon.
  • Holding 5 local networking events (Barcelona, Lisbon, Perugia, Frankfurt, and Naples) and 1 European networking event (Brussels).
  • 250,000 individuals reached through the project’s communication awareness campaign.

POWGEN, funded by the European Commission’s AMIF-2023 programme, is coordinated by the Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo ABD in collaboration with ECOSERVEIS (Spain) , CRESCER (Portugal),  PRO ARBEIT (Germany), C.I.D.I.S (Italy), Regione Campania (Italy) and the EU Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions CPMR. It will run from April 2024 to September 2026 and the 5 pilots will be implemented in 4 European countries: Spain, Germany, Portugal and Italy.


Green pathways to inclusion: POWGEN Good practices on training and labour access of migrant people in the renewable energy and refurbishment sector


POWER GENERATION. Labor insertion of migrant people in the renewable energy sector and energy rehabilitation through training and sustainable employment opportunities

ABD - Bienestar y Desarrollo Association

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