SAE: Specialized Attention Service for Substance Consumers and Users of New Technologies

The SAE is a Specialized Therapeutic Care and Accompaniment Service for people who are going through a moment in their lives of personal or relational discomfort, in childhood, adolescence, as a couple, in the family or individually. Serves to improve the quality of life of people and ensure their physical and mental health.

The service aims to promote mental health from a preventive, community and multidisciplinary approach that facilitates changes in those people who present difficulties in their biopsychosocial functioning. These people will be cared for and accompanied throughout their therapeutic process, in order to improve their problems and make possible a better quality of life.

In the service you will find a team of professionals who will provide an individual, intra-family and/or group therapeutic space, in which to address situations of risk or conflict that may cause a deterioration in the physical and emotional well-being of people.

Receiving specialized professional attention in the initial moments of discomfort is crucial and prevents greater difficulties in the future, making both the evolution and the probability of success and solving problems greater.

Carrying out therapeutic work allows us to better understand our potential and create the necessary tools to solve different problems with oneself and with others. Th ese types of difficulties, which we attend to in our service, are reflected in a wide variety of discomforts related to:


  • Behavior problems
  • ADHD
  • Sphincter control problems
  • School failure
  • Sleep problems


  • Boost control
  • Problematic consumption
  • Eating problems or unhealthy eating habits school failure
  • Bullying
  • Abuse of technologies (mobile, social networks, video games)


  • Difficulties in the couple’s relationship
  • Accompaniment and therapeutic approach after a separation, a divorce


  • Difficulties in the family relationship between parents and children
  • Conflicts with other family members


  • Difficulties in emotional management: anxiety, stress, depression, etc.
  • Difficult situations in life: conflicts with other people, chronic or unknown illnesses, preparing/processing mourning for the loss of loved ones, etc.
  • Problems with eating or unhealthy eating habits.
  • Difficulties in social relationships: emotional dependence, loneliness, conflicts, complexes, envy, lack of trust in others, rejection, etc.
  • Difficulty in having affective relationships: starting and maintaining a committed relationship with a person, instability in relationships, etc.
  • Difficulty in sexual relations: alterations in the pleasant experience of sexual intercourse.
  • Difficulties in feelings and relationship with oneself: low self-esteem and self assessment, fears, insecurities, mistrust, impulse control, etc.
  • Problematic drug use: alcohol, tobacco, abuse of tranquilizers/sleeping drugs and other illegal drugs (cannabis, cocaine, amphetamines or other psychoactive substances), etc.
  • Difficulties in performance or cognitive functioning: problems with attention, memory, etc.

The objective of this service is to provide attention to all those consumers (adults, young people and adolescents) who need guidance and/or treatment in relation to their drug use, their risky practices in the chemsex context and the abusive use of new drugs. technologies. Also to those who need support, even if they are not consumers, because they have close people in a difficult relationship with consumption or abusive use.

Guidance or personalized advice to:

Any doubt or need for information or professional assessment, regarding drug use and / or everything related to substances.

The appearance of physical or mental health problems related to substance use (which appear during or after consumption):

Feeling of “being too scratchy” every time you consume.

Very intense “dips” after consumption.

“Bad experiences” in the last times you have used.

Feeling of “restlessness, insecurity, distrust” towards other people when you consume.

Annoying symptoms (anxiety, depression or others mentioned above) that persist days or weeks later, despite not being consuming on those days.

Loss of control of the consumption of a substance:

Feeling of consuming whenever you leave, without being able to enjoy in other ways, or without being able to put the habit aside for a season.

Consumptions that occur more and more repetitively and occupy more areas of your life.

Information, advice or personalized assessment in relation to chemsex:

Need for information and guidance for managing consumption and sex with less risk.

Assessment of the personal situation, to know whether or not you are having a problem.

Information, advice or personalized assessment in relation to the abusive use of technologies:

Know appropriate and lower-risk uses of technologies.

Assess in a personalized way if you are having / not a problematic relationship with the use of them.

Attention to all those people who at a certain moment of its consumption / use realize they have difficulties in managing it, begin to experience annoying symptoms and have a negative impact on other areas of their life (affective-emotional, interpersonal relationships, work / academic , relationship, family problems).

In these cases, it is important to go to assess the real situation as soon as possible, to take measures and start a therapeutic work, which comprehensively addresses (taking into account the person in all his facets and areas) those aspects that are motivating and influencing the problematic consumption / use behavior and its maintenance.

In this therapeutic work you will find:

  • Comprehensive care in substance addictions:
  1. With a multidisciplinary team that will attend according to the needs of the person and that will coordinate if necessary with the professional people involved.
  2. Considering problematic substance use as the visible symptom, underlying other not so visible symptoms or discomforts, which are equally or more important, and which influence and determine the difficult relationship that the person establishes with the substance. Therefore, all of them will be worked on, as they are influencing the integral functioning of the person in their different areas.
  3. Providing information and advice for an unproblematic drug use, from a risk reduction perspective.
  4. Respecting the decisions of the person and adapting to their rhythm and expectations of her.
  5. Considering as treatment objectives those set by the person, whether or not they are abstinence from substances.
  6. Being able to request treatment reports.

Comprehensive attention to problems within the chemsex context:

  1. For those people who are having difficulties in the joint management of drug use and risky sexual practices, together with the use of geolocation apps.
  2. Carrying out comprehensive care with the same characteristics previously exposed in the work on substance addictions.

Comprehensive care in relation to the abusive use of new technologies:

  1. For those people who use technologies and who are having difficulties with them in other areas of their life.
  2. Carrying out comprehensive care with the same characteristics previously exposed in the work on substance addictions.
  • Holistic and person-centered approach.
  • Absence of moral judgments and respect for the person as the protagonist of his decisions.
  • Empowerment of people in their processes, for greater efficiency and better results.
  • Objectives of the process led by the person attended, protagonist and guide.
  • Therapeutic responses based on principles of public health and human rights.
  • Non-directive intervention model. Therapeutic Accompaniment.
  • Stigma is combated and diversity is included.
  • Gender perspective in the interventions.
  • Diagnostic labels are not used. They chronicle, stigmatize, prevent improvement and evolution.
  • Attention adapted to the needs of the person, respecting the times necessary for her process.
  • Committed, involved, professional therapeutic bond available to the person served.
  • Theoretical models in care, based on scientific evidence.

The therapeutic team is made up of highly qualified professionals from different disciplines who care for people’s health (physical and mental).
It also has a team specialized in working with people who use drugs (in recreational contexts or not), those who use them in sexual or chemsex contexts, as well as those who present difficulties in the compulsive use of technologies.

First appointment: service information and reception/assessment/orientation: free.

Once the process starts:

  • Psychology: €50 Individual / €70 Couples/Families.
  • Psychiatry: €120 (first appointment), €80 (follow-ups).

This service is provided in person in Madrid and Barcelona and also in an online format at the state level through sessions by video call and/or telephone service.


Mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 677 54 15 18


Specialized Health Care and Counseling Service for aspects related to substance use.

ABD - Bienestar y Desarrollo Association

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    Every year, at the beginning of the rental campaign, we will send you the information regarding your collaboration from the previous year so that you can use it for tax purposes.

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    2. Choose ABD by manually entering identifier 33427.
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    4. In less than 5 seconds you will send the money and you will have contributed to helping people who are in a situation of social fragility.

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    You are making a donation to the SAE program belonging to ABD.

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    Every year, at the beginning of the rental campaign, we will send you the information regarding your collaboration from the previous year so that you can use it for tax purposes.

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      You are making a donation to the SAE program belonging to ABD.

      Do you want to make a generic donation or to another program? Click here.

      Do you know that you can deduct up to 80% of your donation?

      Every year, at the beginning of the rental campaign, we will send you the information regarding your collaboration from the previous year so that you can use it for tax purposes.

      You can make your contribution by transfer to the following accounts:

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      In order to receive your donation certificate, enjoy the tax advantages that they entail and comply with Royal Decree 304/2014, which approves the Regulation of Law 10/2010 on the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism, you must send us an email with your details and contribution to

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