Lotus Residential Integral Center

The Social Hotel is a shelter for homeless people with addictions that has social and health care programs, including harm reduction programs for substance use with supervised consumption spaces for injected, inhaled and alcohol consumption.

The service, launched by the Barcelona City Council and the Public Health Agency of Barcelona ASPB and managed by the Bienestar y Desarrollo Association (ABD in Spanish), has an important gender perspective approach with the aim of responding to the differential needs of women and LGTBIQ people, thus reducing the barriers they face in accessing and maintaining access to resources.

This is the first low-demand residential resource for drug users. The center prioritizes the care of people over 45 years of age and with a more compromised health situation, and also has specific spaces to facilitate sanitary isolation in the event of Covid-19 infection. The facility covers the basic needs of housing, hygiene, food, relationships and social and health care, in addition to working for the social reintegration of these people and having specific actions to be a well-integrated resource in the surrounding community.

The equipment is one of the measures included in the Action Plan on Drugs and Addictions 2021-2024, which was approved unanimously and with the favorable vote of all political groups in the Plenary of the Municipal Council. In fact, it was already included in other previous plans and had been among the desirable actions for more than a decade, but it has not been until 2020 that it has been implemented. In total, the center will have an annual public funding of about 2.5 million euros, to be borne by both the Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Integral Lotus Residential Center

Shelter for homeless people with addictions with social and health care programs

ABD - Bienestar y Desarrollo AssociationAgència de Salut PúblicaAjuntament de BarcelonaGeneralitat de Catalunya

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