Intervention program in nightlife, leisure and socialization venues to raise awareness and prevent GBV behaviours – including LGBTIphobia – linked to sexual violence and substance use. 

The CRISSCROSS main goal is to combat gender-based violence in nightlife, leisure and socialization venues frequented by youngsters and young adults (16-24 y/o) through the design, testing and evaluation of innovative pilots based on the behaviour change wheel methodology, with the aim to raise awareness, change attitudes and prevent GBV behaviours -including LGBTIphobia- linked to sexual violence and substance use.

The project, funded by the CERV-2022-DAPHNE Programme, and coordinated Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo ABD (SP) will be carried out from March 2023 to 28 February 2025, in partnership with the organizations ACRA (IT), Cooperativa Lotta Contro l’Emarginazione (IT), Kosmicare (PT), 4MOTION (LU), Health Service Executive (IE), Universidad de Sevilla  (ES).


Sexual violence in Leisure spaces: Sexual violence particularly affects young and college-aged women and the LGBTQI+ population, frequently experienced  in leisure and entertainment spaces. Substance use contributes to the naturalisation and legitimisation of violence against women; support victim blaming attitudes and behaviours; and also act as a major obstacle to intervene in these situations.

Data available in the EU shows that 9% of women aged 18-29 had experienced sexual violence by a partner or non-partner since the age of 15.

In Spain, according to the macro-survey on violence against women (2019) women between the age of 18-24 years are more likely to suffer sexual violence by a non-partner perpetrator than the next age frame (11,5% in front of 8,2% aged 25-34). Considering all the women who participated in the survey, the 17,8% had experienced this aggression in common places of nightlife, leisure and socialization such as clubs, bars or pubs. 

Furthermore, an analysis made of cases and judgements on LGBTQI+ phobia and other forms of discrimination indicated that physical aggressions perpetrated by males against gay males usually take place in outdoor public areas or in leisure establishments (55%).

Main Activities:

Qualitative research (Needs Analysis) to identify the specific social norms and beliefs about GBV present in youngsters and analyse the needs of youngsters and professionals in contact with them.

Compilation of Best practices deploying GBV and LGBTI primary prevention intervention in leisure spaces with a special focus on addressing drug use and sexuality.

Development of a Training Intervention Program and Toolkit to increase the capacity of professionals working with adolescents and young adults in the prevention of gender-based violence.

Training of local practitioners-communities across Europe with CRISSCROSS methodology.

Implementation of local pilots in Barcelona, Dublin, Milan, Lisbon and Luxembourg focused on affective-sexual education and prevention of substance use intervening in leisure spaces.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the CrissCross intervention program in each country.

Communication Campaign to raise awareness among EU citizens on the prevalence of GBV, sexual violence and violence against the LGTBI population in leisure contexts


Intervention program in nightlife, leisure and socialization venues to raise awareness and prevent GBV behaviours – including LGBTIphobia – linked to sexual violence and substance use.

ABD - Bienestar y Desarrollo Association

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