Socialist and feminist entrepreneurship program for young mothers with children from 0 to 3 years old in a situation of social vulnerability.
Socialist and feminist entrepreneurship program for young mothers with children from 0 to 3 years old in a situation of social vulnerability.
Do you want to make a generic donation or to another program? Click here.
Every year, at the beginning of the rental campaign, we will send you the information regarding your collaboration from the previous year so that you can use it for tax purposes.
Do you want to make a generic donation or to another program? Click here.
Every year, at the beginning of the rental campaign, we will send you the information regarding your collaboration from the previous year so that you can use it for tax purposes.
Make your donation from your mobile phone and in just 5 seconds!
In order to receive your donation certificate, enjoy the tax advantages that they entail and comply with Royal Decree 304/2014, which approves the Regulation of Law 10/2010 on the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism, you must send us an email with your details and contribution to
Do you want to make a generic donation or to another program? Click here.
Every year, at the beginning of the rental campaign, we will send you the information regarding your collaboration from the previous year so that you can use it for tax purposes.
Do you want to make a generic donation or to another program? Click here.
Every year, at the beginning of the rental campaign, we will send you the information regarding your collaboration from the previous year so that you can use it for tax purposes.
You can make your contribution by transfer to the following account:
ES36 2100 5731 7702 0023 3729
In order to receive your donation certificate, enjoy the tax advantages that they entail and comply with Royal Decree 304/2014, which approves the Regulation of Law 10/2010 on the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism, you must send us an email with your details and contribution to
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📢 Come to the Europe Day of the LILA project