The Intercultural Translation and Mediation Service (STMI) is a municipal service of Barcelona City Council.

It is a support service for municipal professionals of the Barcelona City Council, whose purpose is to be a bridge instrument between people who have migrated and/or with different cultural origins and the host society, favoring dialogue, constructive relationships and citizen coexistence.

It is the municipal professionals who, when they need support in an intervention with a population that does not speak Spanish or Catalan or there are difficulties in understanding due to factors other than language, request the intervention of the STMI and from the program they assigns a translator or mediator who will go to the center or service on the agreed day.

Main goals

  • Support municipal service professionals in caring for the migrant population and/or people with different languages from an intercultural perspective.
  • Guarantee access to municipal services and the rights of all people on equal terms with the rest of the citizen.

Program services

  • Face-to-face or documentary translation: When the presence of an interpreter is needed to make communication possible with a person or group of people who do not speak Spanish or Catalan. Documentary translations related to the intervention of the case of the person or group can also be made.
  • Interpersonal Intercultural Mediation: For specific situations with people or groups where the support of an intercultural mediator is required, since the difficulty of understanding and/or communication is due to cultural aspects that go beyond language (such as those related to values, beliefs, different perceptions, interests or needs…).
  • Collective Intercultural Mediation:There are three modalities:
  1. Support group sessions.
  2. Advice to professional teams.
  3. Community mediation.

Intercultural Translation and Mediation Service

It is a support service for municipal professionals of the Barcelona City Council, with the aim of acting as a bridge between migrants and/or people with different cultural origins and the host society, favoring dialogue, constructive relationships and coexistence citizen.

Ajuntament de Barcelona

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