Just Energy is a program promoted by the non-profit entities ABD and Ecoserveis and consists of a network of volunteers who fight to achieve a fair contracting of energy supplies and water, informing and empowering people.

It also defends people’s right to these basic supplies against defaults, outages, and abusive business practices.
In Catalonia, the project is funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Diputación and the Barcelona City Council, and has received awards or specific grants from other entities such as Som Energia, Filadora and the Cluster de l’Energia Eficient de Catalunya (CEEC).In the Community of Madrid the program is financed by the Montemadrid Foundation and Bankia.

Just Energy

Network of volunteers for the defense of access to basic supplies and the fight against energy poverty, carried out together with the Ecoserveis Association.

ABD - Bienestar y Desarrollo AssociationABD Fundación

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If you have come this far, it is because you are interested in the Just Energy project or at least you are curious about it.

Make your donation
You are making a donation to the Just Energy program belonging to ABD.

Do you want to make a generic donation or to another program? Click here.

Do you know that you can deduct up to 80% of your donation?

Every year, at the beginning of the rental campaign, we will send you the information regarding your collaboration from the previous year so that you can use it for tax purposes.

    102050Other amount

    You are making a donation to the Just Energy program belonging to ABD.

    Do you want to make a generic donation or to another program? Click here.

    Do you know that you can deduct up to 80% of your donation?

    Every year, at the beginning of the rental campaign, we will send you the information regarding your collaboration from the previous year so that you can use it for tax purposes.

    Make your donation from your mobile phone and in just 5 seconds!

    1. From your banking app in which you have Bizum active, select the option to send money.
    2. Choose ABD by manually entering identifier 33427.
    3. Indicate the amount of the donation you want to make.
    4. In less than 5 seconds you will send the money and you will have contributed to helping people who are in a situation of social fragility.

    In order to receive your donation certificate, enjoy the tax advantages that they entail and comply with Royal Decree 304/2014, which approves the Regulation of Law 10/2010 on the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism, you must send us an email with your details and contribution to aportaciones@abd-ong.org.

    You are making a donation to the Just Energy program belonging to ABD.

    Do you want to make a generic donation or to another program? Click here.

    Do you know that you can deduct up to 80% of your donation?

    Every year, at the beginning of the rental campaign, we will send you the information regarding your collaboration from the previous year so that you can use it for tax purposes.

      10€20€50€Another amount

      Only onceMonthly

      You are making a donation to the Just Energy program belonging to ABD.

      Do you want to make a generic donation or to another program? Click here.

      Do you know that you can deduct up to 80% of your donation?

      Every year, at the beginning of the rental campaign, we will send you the information regarding your collaboration from the previous year so that you can use it for tax purposes.

      You can make your contribution by transfer to the following accounts:

      La Caixa:


      In order to receive your donation certificate, enjoy the tax advantages that they entail and comply with Royal Decree 304/2014, which approves the Regulation of Law 10/2010 on the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism, you must send us an email with your details and contribution to aportaciones@abd-ong.org.

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