COPE and Hope

Cope and Hope “social and labor autonomy of migrant women survivors of human trafficking” goal is to generate rehabilitation models to promote inclusion and support migrant women victims of violence and human trafficking.

This project will allow the analysis, implementation of pilots, capitalisation, exchange and dissemination at local and EU level of good practices aimed at the socio-occupational inclusion of women who suffer from this type of violence.

The project, funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and coordinated by Fondazione Acra, will run from February 2020 to January 2023 and has Welfare and Development Association ABD and Consorzio Passepartoutas partner organisations.


Cope and Hope “social and labor autonomy of migrant women survivors of human trafficking” goal is to generate rehabilitation models to promote inclusion and support migrant women victims of violence and human trafficking.

This project will allow the analysis, implementation of pilots, capitalisation, exchange and dissemination at local and EU level of good practices aimed at the socio-occupational inclusion of women who suffer from this type of violence.

The project, funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and coordinated by Fondazione Acra, will run from February 2020 to January 2023 and has Welfare and Development Association ABD and Consorzio Passepartoutas partner organisations.

Specific objectives:

Cope and Hope “social and labor autonomy of migrant women survivors of human trafficking” goal is to generate rehabilitation models to promote inclusion and support migrant women victims of violence and human trafficking.

This project will allow the analysis, implementation of pilots, capitalisation, exchange and dissemination at local and EU level of good practices aimed at the socio-occupational inclusion of women who suffer from this type of violence.

The project, funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and coordinated by Fondazione Acra, will run from February 2020 to January 2023 and has Welfare and Development Association ABD and Consorzio Passepartoutas partner organisations.

Cope and Hope “social and labor autonomy of migrant women survivors of human trafficking” goal is to generate rehabilitation models to promote inclusion and support migrant women victims of violence and human trafficking.

This project will allow the analysis, implementation of pilots, capitalisation, exchange and dissemination at local and EU level of good practices aimed at the socio-occupational inclusion of women who suffer from this type of violence.

The project, funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and coordinated by Fondazione Acra, will run from February 2020 to January 2023 and has Welfare and Development Association ABD and Consorzio Passepartoutas partner organisations.

Cope and Hope “social and labor autonomy of migrant women survivors of human trafficking” goal is to generate rehabilitation models to promote inclusion and support migrant women victims of violence and human trafficking.

This project will allow the analysis, implementation of pilots, capitalisation, exchange and dissemination at local and EU level of good practices aimed at the socio-occupational inclusion of women who suffer from this type of violence.

The project, funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and coordinated by Fondazione Acra, will run from February 2020 to January 2023 and has Welfare and Development Association ABD and Consorzio Passepartoutas partner organisations.

Main activities:

Cope and Hope “social and labor autonomy of migrant women survivors of human trafficking” goal is to generate rehabilitation models to promote inclusion and support migrant women victims of violence and human trafficking.

This project will allow the analysis, implementation of pilots, capitalisation, exchange and dissemination at local and EU level of good practices aimed at the socio-occupational inclusion of women who suffer from this type of violence.

The project, funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and coordinated by Fondazione Acra, will run from February 2020 to January 2023 and has Welfare and Development Association ABD and Consorzio Passepartoutas partner organisations.

Awareness campaign and support network:

Cope and Hope “social and labor autonomy of migrant women survivors of human trafficking” goal is to generate rehabilitation models to promote inclusion and support migrant women victims of violence and human trafficking.

This project will allow the analysis, implementation of pilots, capitalisation, exchange and dissemination at local and EU level of good practices aimed at the socio-occupational inclusion of women who suffer from this type of violence.

The project, funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and coordinated by Fondazione Acra, will run from February 2020 to January 2023 and has Welfare and Development Association ABD and Consorzio Passepartoutas partner organisations.



COPE and HOPE. Good practical approaches fostering social integration of migrant women victims of violence and human trafficking

ABD - Bienestar y Desarrollo Association

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