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Mentoring and training strategies to foster migrant people inclusion at a regional and local level
The AMIR project aims to enhance the inclusion of third-country nationals (TCNs) within EU Member States by developing and testing local inclusion strategies. This initiative supports the EU Action Plan for Integration and Inclusion (2021-2027) by focusing on housing, employment, and financial literacy, providing various training programs, and conducting peer mentoring activities.
The project involves diverse stakeholders, including civil society organizations and local authorities, to foster a multi-stakeholder approach to inclusion.
By creating and disseminating best practices and evidence-based methodologies, AMIR seeks to improve inclusion outcomes and support TCNs in achieving full social and economic inclusion across the EU.
The AMIR project is driven by the necessity to enhance the inclusion of third-country nationals (TCNs) within the EU, acknowledging that inclusion is a multifaceted societal process involving migrants, host communities, public authorities, social partners, civil society organizations, and the private sector.
Eurotstat Observations indicate that TCNs face significant challenges in accessing education, employment, and basic services, which inhibits their full social and economic inclusion. Successful inclusion requires local-level initiatives and multi-stakeholder partnerships, as cities play a crucial role in fostering inclusive communities and addressing public perceptions of TCNs.
Despite various countries providing access to employment services, barriers persist, such as a lack of information among TCNs about available services. Mentoring has emerged as a crucial tool to ease labor market inclusion by connecting TCNs with institutions and businesses. Migrant entrepreneurs also contribute to economic growth but face challenges such as limited networks and financial literacy. Access to financial services and affordable housing remains critical for successful inclusion, yet many TCNs struggle due to discrimination and rising housing costs.
Given these needs, AMIR aims to empower both migrants and host communities, improve access to employment, housing, and financial literacy, and enhance the capacity of local authorities and service providers through a multi-stakeholder approach.
This project will involve designing and testing local inclusion strategies, training programs, and peer mentoring activities, ultimately promoting evidence-based methodologies and best practices for widespread adoption across the EU.
Specific objectives:
Facilitate discussions among stakeholders to design and disseminate effective inclusion practices through transnational cooperation.
Implement and evaluate a local inclusion strategy to enhance migrant inclusion
Develop and test a Peer Mentoring Programme for young TCNs.
Create a Training Package for local authorities and service providers in housing, labor market, and financial inclusion, improving their capacity to support long-term TCN inclusion
Implement an awareness-raising campaign in partnership with public and private entities to highlight the benefits of TCN inclusion and the positive impacts of immigration
Develop EU recommendations to address unmet needs of TCNs, service providers, and public authorities
Main activities
Establish 8 multi-agency working groups, each involving partners, local/regional authorities, policymakers, economic experts, and migrant organizations
Conduct 24 focus groups to gather insights and refine practices
Collect 40 promising practices with a focus on job inclusion, housing and financial literacy and develop a report on successful inclusion strategies
Design and test a Peer Mentoring Programme for young TCNs
Train 30 peer mentors to assist young TCNs
Develop a Training Package for local authorities and service providers in housing, labor market, and financial inclusion
Engage 30 young TCNs in job inclusion, housing, and financial literacy programs
Conduct 64 training workshops on workers’ and tenants’ rights and financial literacy
Organize 64 capacity-building sessions with at least 25 local authorities, policy makers and service providers
Organize 24 public awareness events
Create 5 awareness-raising videos and an awareness-raising campaign to raise awareness for the benefits of the inclusion of migrants and educate on the positive impacts of immigration.
Expected impact
Local Authorities, Policymakers, and Service Providers gain new knowledge and become more actively involved in TCN inclusion, recognizing its benefits for their communities
Increased confidence in accessing services, improving the overall inclusion experience among TCNs
Enhanced awareness about the benefits of TCN inclusion among the general public
Better detection and response to inclusion challenges in Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Authorities
Sustained and improved inclusion of TCNs across all involved European countries
Reach 50,000 people through events, newsletters, social media, and other campaign channels
AMIR Mentoring and training strategies to foster migrant people inclusion at a regional and local level The AMIR project aims to enhance the inclusion of third-country nationals (TCNs) within EU…
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