Ethics and quality

For ABD we are the first people. For this reason, ethics and quality are inherent instruments in our action in each of our services.


The creation and proven management of projects and services focused on people and communities to facilitate their empowerment and strengthen their active role in the generation of social equality and personal and collective well-being.


We are a leading entity that promotes a third-sector model characterized by:

  • Ethical values in the use of resources and in dealing with people, groups, communities, and administration contrasted and certified.
  • A model of integral attention in a triple dimension:
    • Individual, family and community care.
    • Efficient management of services by social objectives, community dynamization, and defense of the social rights of people in vulnerable situations.
    • Multidimensional programs: social, psychological, socio-health, sustainability, educational, cultural and legal.
  • A healthy economy, and efficient management of programs with public and private funds that allow the social investment of profits.


  • Social commitment and defense of rights.
  • Creativity, innovation and quality.
  • Ethics, transparency and accountability.
  • Pluralism.
  • Professionalism.

Ethics Committee

We ensure respect for the rights of people inside and outside the organization, including the promotion of democratic values, the ethical strengthening of civil society and good attitudes in the care of users, relatives and companions in all areas. programs, considering them not only as recipients but also as active agents in the participation and management of services and their well-being.

The ABD Social Intervention Ethics Committee was set up in 2010 and was accredited as an Area of Ethical Reflection (ERESS) by the Social Services Ethics Committee of Catalonia in 2014.

To ensure compliance, we have a common Code of Ethics for social intervention and we pass several Quality Audits of the projects and services we carry out.

The development of an increasingly complex society, in which individuals enjoy more freedom to decide how they want to live, forces us to delve deeper into the reflection of ethical and moral aspects.

In this sense, it is essential to have bodies dedicated to deliberating on the most problematic issues, in order to guarantee the dignity of people, their well-being and respect for their autonomy and privacy.

Quality commission

In order to maintain and improve the quality of the services provided, ABD has a quality commission that puts into operation a series of quality assurance systems and transparency in the management of the entity.

ABD works on the basis of a management system that complies with the ISO-9001 standard. This system is a basic tool for continuously improving the quality of the services we provide, for complying with the requirements of our customers and users and legal requirements, and for ensuring the good governance of the entities that form part of the Group.

ABD has taken the necessary means to ensure that the quality policy in the defined terms is understood, implemented and kept up to date. In order for this to be the case, training and information sessions are held and the documentation corresponding to our management system is disseminated.

Equality policy

We are committed to the implementation and defense of Equality Policies between women and men.

Within our organization, actions and improvements are applied specifically aimed at equal treatment and opportunities between professionals and the conciliation of work and personal life.

These and other objectives are being worked on within the Diversity Management Agreement signed with CCOO in 2009 and which in 2011 we extended and ratified with the signing of the Diversity Charter, a European initiative that is part of the directives anti – discrimination measures adopted in 2000.

This year we have renewed our adherence to this letter / code of commitment to the European Commission’s principles on equality, inclusion and diversity.

Protection and Good Treatment Policy for children and adolescents

At ABD we believe that children and adolescents (NNA) have the right to be protected and that they require special attention. We believe in the right of children and adolescents to a life free of violence and in the responsibility of everyone to create the necessary conditions that guarantee their safety and well-being in any circumstance.

For this reason, we have developed a Policy for the Protection and Good Treatment of Children and Adolescents (PPBT) that establishes the main points that everyone involved with ABD must follow in this matter.

“ABD has been consolidated over the years thanks to the firm conviction that only with consistency, ethics and honesty can we set an example and thus expand our model of social transformation.”

Àngels Guiteras: Manager of ABD.

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