The Welfare and Development Association ABD has just joined the International Drug Policy Consortium IDPC, a global network of 182 NGOs that focus on issues related to drug production, trafficking and use. The organization has officially announced this week the entrance of ABD as a member of the network.
IDPC promotes objective and open debate on the effectiveness, direction and content of drug policies at the national and international level, and supports evidence-based policies that are effective at reducing drug-related harm. Our advocacy positions are based on five core policy principles. We produce briefing papers, disseminate key resources on drug policy, build the advocacy capacity of our members and partners, and offer expert advice to policy makers and officials around the world. Our global membership has expertise and experience on the wide spectrum of drug policy issues.
The entry into the International Consortium on Drug Policy represents another step in the fulfillment of one of the strategic lines of the entity, which is aimed at strengthening the positioning and social and institutional recognition of ABD through the selective incidence in the networks and local and international organizations.
Without going any further, and only in the field of drugs, ABD currently holds the vice presidency of RIOD (the network that includes the main NGOs in Latin America that work in prevention, treatment, socio-labor integration, research and training in the field of drugs. ) and the European network Nightlife Empowerment & Well-being Network NEW Net.
In addition, the Welfare and Development Association coordinates the TEDI – Trans European Drug Information (a network of European services for the analysis of substances in recreational settings) and is also part of the Civil Society Forum on Drugs CSF (platform that seeks structured dialogue between the European Commission and civil society and that supports the formulation and implementation of policies through practical advice) and the Solidify project (initiative led by the European Forum on Urban Safety and supported by the European Commission, which foresees realization of a collective cross analysis of the process of installation and evaluation of a drug consumption room to facilitate to the local authorities the promotion of the construction of health spaces that contribute these schemes).
IDPC intervenes at two levels in the decision-making process: We facilitate networking and collaboration between civil society stakeholders and empower our civil society members to better engage with and influence policy-making processes. In parallel, the IDPC Secretariat also intervenes directly in policy making processes by strategically providing analysis and expertise to governments, regional bodies and UN agencies to promote effective and more humane drug policy options on behalf of the network.
ABD presentation. Why do we do what we do?
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