ABD is looking for an expert in Impact Assessment for the Cut All Ties project

The European initiative is coordinated by the Welfare and Development Association and aims to prevent and reduce gender-based violence among youth

The Welfare and Development Association ABD has published a tender through which it is looking for an expert in Impact Assessment (individual or in a team) for the Cut All Ties project (2021-2022). The objective of this initiative is to address sexist violence in the first affective and sexual relationships through the design and validation of an educational program based on gamification and new technologies, which helps to sensitize, prevent and reduce sexist violence among and young girls between 14 and 17 years old in six secondary schools in Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Milan, throughout a pilot intervention.

Specifically, the expert will be in charge of the evaluation of the intervention in the institutes to empirically verify the effectiveness of the pilot in changing social norms / behaviors. You are also expected to design the impact evaluation for the project and perform evaluation design validation by analyzing the data from the baseline surveys and the final pilot-based surveys. The final results of the assignment will be a Process Evaluation Report; an Impact Evaluation Report that includes the methodology, the results of the validation and the conclusions; a scientific article based on the impact evaluation and a Policy Recommendations Report, based on the results of the evaluation.

Receipt of offers until June 10

Interested persons must send the offer by email to [email protected] no later than June 10, 2021, indicating in the subject “Impact Assessment Expert- Cut All Ties”.

The Cut All Ties project is funded within the European Commission’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Program and is coordinated by ABD (Spain) with the participation of Fondazione ACRA (Italy) and CITIBEATS (Spain).

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