Global Districts. Informal Critical Global Citizenship Education for a Wider Inclusion and Engagement of European Youth in Local and Global Challenges

The Global Districts project, funded by the European Commission’s DEAR Program, focuses on critical citizenship education to promote wider inclusion and involvement of young Europeans in local and global challenges. Through this initiative, it promotes a more inclusive society at the local and community levels, fostering a sense of co-responsibility for sustainable development.

Specifically targeting young people, with a focus on girls, the project aims to improve the skills of youth and involve them in addressing global inequalities and sustainable challenges, while collaborating with disadvantaged urban-rural communities.

Global Districts, coordinated by Fondazione ACRA (Italy), will be implemented over 4 years, from February 2024 to February 2028. It involves partner entities such as ActionAid Hellas (Greece), Anthropolis Egyesület (Hungary), Association Assistance and Programs for Sustainable Development – Agenda 21 (Romania), Center for Citizenship Education (Poland), Finep Academy (Germany), People in Need (Slovakia), Suedwind Entwicklungspolitik Tirol (Austria), and WeWorld (Italy).


The needs analysis reveals complex challenges facing young EU citizens, especially girls and people  in a vulnerable situation. Many feel disheartened about their future prospects and lack avenues for meaningful engagement due to societal norms and limited opportunities. Girls, in particular, encounter barriers stemming from entrenched gender biases and stereotypes, impeding their participation and leadership roles. Educators and multipliers also face obstacles in effectively engaging youth, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, lacking essential tools and support.

Furthermore, youth groups and grassroots CSOs struggle with inclusivity issues, often failing to cater adequately to marginalized youth and address gender-related concerns. Public decision-makers require heightened awareness and actionable strategies to foster youth inclusion and implement gender-sensitive policies effectively. Addressing these multifaceted challenges demands comprehensive initiatives that empower youth, educators, CSOs, and policymakers, fostering inclusive global citizenship education and advancing gender equality.

General goal:

The project aims to provide practical activities, training, and support to empower young people, educators, youth groups, CSOs, and public decision-makers in promoting inclusive GCE and gender equality. Through capacity building, knowledge exchange, and advocacy efforts, the project seeks to create a more inclusive and empowered youth population capable of actively contributing to addressing global challenges.

Specific goals:

The specific objectives are:

  • Improve the capacity of workers, educators and teachers to promote Global Challenges Education actions including youth from population segments less involved with global challenges
  • Increase the awareness of less involved population of the interdependent world and of their role in it, with a balanced participation of women and men
  • Improve the skills and capacities of population less involved in Global challenges to engage at a community level, with a balanced participation of women and men, for local and global sustainable development
  • Improve the skills and capacities of grassroots CSOs to foster the inclusion of less involved population segments, including youth, in local and global sustainable development at community level

Main activities

  • Mapping community-based resources, needs, and opportunities in each territory to build strategic relationships with stakeholders
  • Study about girls and young women’s civic participation in each territory and case studies collection on young women’s activism on global inequalities
  • Development of inclusive GCE materials and guidelines for youth workers, educators and teachers outside the formal education system
  • Training of young community leaders and educators for inclusive GCE through workshops, study cases, and debates
  • Training for teachers involving GCE non-formal education methodologies and a non-discrimination approach, alongside courses for educators, teachers, youth leaders, and local authorities representatives on intersectionality and gender transformative approaches.
  • Issue-raising workshops, debates, sport activities, creative experiences and casual learning activities aimed at engaging the less involved youths
  • Local summer schools/camps to provide training and civic engagement opportunities to vulnerable and marginalized youth, alongside creative CGE workshops and experiences tailored for girls, emphasizing women’s leadership in summer schools
  • Inclusive awareness digital campaigns aimed at supporting community projects led by young people and reinforcing the visibility of young people’s voices and points of views
  • Digital local awareness-raising campaign on gender norms and stereotypes related to civic participation
  • Capacity building and financial support to local CSOs and youth groups to adopt and disseminate inclusive GCE methodologies, as well as to grassroots CSOs and networks focusing on gender issues
  • Networking events to exchange good practices and co-design policy recommendations involving representatives of local authorities,  policymakers, CSOs and less involved youth
  • Advocacy at local and European level to mainstream GCE for marginalized groups outside the formal education system


  • 25,000 young citizens from less involved population segments will gain personal and social/civic skills
  • 3,000 young people will co-design actions to address global challenges at the local level
  • 300 local actions will be initiated by young people
  • 690 girls will lead local actions on project-related issues
  • 355 young community leaders and activists will gain skills to engage less involved youth
  • 370 youth workers and educators will learn to co-design activities with less-privileged youth
  • 2,720 teachers and 370 educators will gain knowledge on inclusive teaching methodologies, applying Global Citizenship Education (GCE) issues and gender perspective in their teaching
  • 330 educational CSOs, decision-makers, and institutional representatives will exchange policies/practices
  • 45,000 parents and community members will participate in activities co-designed by young people
  • 5,500,000 EU citizens will be targeted by awareness-raising campaigns on gender and global challenges

Global districts

Global Districts. Informal Critical Global Citizenship Education for a Wider Inclusion and Engagement of European Youth in Local and Global Challenges

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