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The BOOST project aims to improve access to and quality of community-based communicable disease services for substance users in the European Union and neighbouring regions by building capacity, collecting data, scaling up good practices and promoting advocacy interventions.
BOOST, funded by the EU4Health programme of the European Union and coordinated by STICHTING DE REGENBOOG GROEP, will run from January 2023 to December 2025 with partners ABD (SP), EHRA (LT), FONDAZIONE LILA (IT), SPR (CZ), Villa Maraini (IT); Free Clinic (BE), A-CLINIC (FI), IGTP (SP), Re Generation (RS) and ISGLOBAL (SP)
Specific objectives:
Improve the availability and quality of communicable disease services by collecting data and information on community services for people who use substances.
Improve the skills and knowledge of professional staff in delivering high-quality community services through training activities in the field of communicable diseases
Promote the expansion of integrated good practices with a community approach and consolidate consumer networks, allowing the development of interventions that can improve access to services and public health outcomes.
Main activities
- Capacity building activities to enhance the skills and knowledge of service providers In the field of communicable diseases.
- Scale-up of Integrated community-based good practices, including implementing harm reduction Interventions and providing access to communicable disease services PWUD.
- Consolidation of PWUD networks and foster advocacy Interventions to ensure that the needs of affected communities are taken Into account In the provision of communicable disease services.
- Dissemination of the results of activities and good practices in the provision of communicable diseases services for consumers.
Impact and results
Improving access to communicable disease services for people who use substances, increasing the availability and quality of community-based communicable disease services for substance users, thereby improving their health outcomes and reducing the spread of infectious diseases.
Strengthening the capacity of service providers, making them more effective and efficient, and improving the skills and knowledge of professionals in the field of communicable diseases
Greater participation, commitment and trust of affected communities towards health services
Greater collaboration and networking, including service providers, policymakers, and affected communities, to collaborate in delivering communicable disease services to people who use substances.
c/o De Regenboog Groep. Correlation European Harm Reduction Network
Telf. +31 20 570 7827
BOOST project- Boost access and quality of community-based communicable disease services for PWUD in the EU and neighboring countries.
ABD presentation. Why do we do what we do?
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