Intellectual disability

According to the United Nations, every day one billion people are faced with barriers that prevent them to participate in key aspects of society and to be treated equally. Ensuring that people with intellectual disability reach full social and occupational inclusion involves advancing their autonomy and providing them tools that enable their exercise of basic rights without discrimination.

Our Response

ABD believes that we all have the capacity to move forward, regardless of our physical or mental condition. Therefore, we defend the right to equality of people with disability. We believe in their full -social and occupational- inclusion, and in the right to participate in society under the same terms as any other.

Right to equal opportunities

We support people and their families. We recognise singularity and offer support, so they have the chance to improve all spheres of their life.

Right to occupational integration and social inclusion

We educate, raise awareness and offer support in order to facilitate social and occupational inclusion of people with intellectual disability. We promote occupational opportunities in cooperation with sensitive companies.

Right to autonomy and personal integrity

We promote autonomy throughout the life cycle. We offer self-sufficiency and self-confidence tools.

“I’m learning a profession and I feel useful. Thank you!”

22 years old

“I know and defend my rights. I want all women to have better lives.”

31 years old


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