The Learning, Teaching & Training Activities (LTTA) held in Barcelona and Bologna have been evaluated, as well as the evolution of local workshops
This week the Transnational Partner meeting took place in Lisbon, the first face-to-face meeting since the start of the European project Fashion for Inclusion. This is an initiative promoted by the Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo (ABD in spanish), which aims to promote social and labor inclusion of migrants and refugees at European level, enhancing their access to vocational training in the field of sustainable and intercultural fashion.
In this meeting, the Learning, Teaching & Training Activities (LTTA) held in Barcelona and Bologna have been evaluated. These LTTA are aimed at professionals in design, textile and fashion fields linked to social inclusion initiatives, with the aim of training these professionals and testing the project’s training program.
The evolution of local workshops has also been evaluated, specifically, training itineraries developed and obstacles/challenges found in the implementation. So far, 10 Local Workshops addressed at low-skilled migrants and refugees have been implemented in Barcelona, Bologna, Athens, Brussels and Madrid.
Finally, partners addressed topics related to awareness dissemination campaigns, engagement of key representatives and stakeholders, and future dissemination events, such as National Seminars in Athens, Bologna, Brussels & Madrid European Conference.
Fashion for Inclusion
The project, funded by Erasmus+ SEPIE KA202 and coordinated by ABD will be carried out from September 2020 to February 2023 and involves the partners IASIS, Mindshift, CIEP, SSF, BAU and Mondo Donna. On the other hand, it is based on best practices, such as Mamalyona, Social Chic and Fabric Republic.

ABD presentation. Why do we do what we do?
📢 Come to the Europe Day of the LILA project