The call to produce a documentary about the European project Food Relations has just been opened

Do you like audiovisual communication? Are you a professional in the production, design and management of audiovisual works? Would you like to work on a project for the integration and social inclusion of people in migration process?

If you answer affirmatively to any of these questions, you are facing an opportunity. Fondazione ACRA has just opened a call for the production of a documentary on the European Food Relations project, which also includes the ABD Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo, Kamba, SIS – Consorzio Sistema Imprese social, Agronauten and Agroecopolis.

In particular, Food Relations is a project subsidized by the European Union in the framework of Asylum, Migration and Integration (AMIF) programs that aims to deepen for two years sustainable practices of integration and social inclusion of people newly arrived in European territory using Food as a mediating key for intercultural dialogue.

The video, which should have a duration of between 10 and 15 minutes, will have as its main objective to contribute to the dissemination of a positive narrative of migration and integration. The deadline to submit proposals is September 10.

The contest rules can be downloaded at the following link: FoodRelations Video Call for Ideas

If you want more information contact the Fondazione ACRA:

Via Lazzaretto 3, 20124 Milan, Italy

Tel. +39 02 27000291

Contact: Michele Curami, Project Coordinator. Alida La Paglia, Communication Officer.

Email: [email protected]

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