Partner organizations of the Care4Trauma project met at the Center for Women Studies in the Autonomous Women’s House in Zagreb for the second coordination meeting on November 16th.
During the meeting, the partners discussed the main issues in project’s implementation and the activities that will be carried out in the next 6 months. There was also time for mutual learning activities organized with members of the Women’s Network of Croatia (Ženska Mreža Hrvatske). The participants had the opportunity to discuss the state of women’s rights and key issues faced by each country and they were able to know more about the work of the Croatian feminist writer and journalist Marija Jurić Zagorka.
The next Steering Committee Meeting will take place on 17th May 2023 in Tartu (Estonia).
Another highlight of the project is that the Country Reports will soon be released. The aim of these reports is to collect and analyze available data related to the access to justice of gender-based violence survivors and to provide detailed mapping of the available victims’ support services/methodologies and best practices which implement a Trauma- informed Care approach.
Care4Trauma is led by Associazione MondoDonna Onlus (Italy) and its partner entities: Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo (ABD,Spain); Italian Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (SISST, Italy); Union of Women Associations of Heraklion Prefecture (UWAH, Greece); Women’s Support and Information Centre (WSIC, Estonia); Autonomous Women’s House Zagreb (AŽKZ, Croatia). It is funded by the Justice Programme (JUST) of the European Commission.
ABD presentation. Why do we do what we do?
📢 Come to the Europe Day of the LILA project