LILA project organizes a European conference to address Gender-based Violence from different perspectives and transformative practices

The event will be held on Friday February 23rd in La Cuina room, at the Espai Francesca Bonnemaison in Barcelona

After two years of work, the LILA project prepares a European conference to address Gender-based violence (GBV) from different perspectives and transformative practices, from the protection of minors, to the work of antiviolence centers and reception services or transcultural perspectives in support of women survivors of sexist violence.

The event, which will be held on Friday 23rd of February in La Cuina room of Espai Francesca Bonnemaison in Barcelona from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., will begin with the institutional welcome by the CEO of the Welfare and Development Association – ABD group, Ángels Guiteras, and the Director of Equality and Citizenship Services at the Barcelona Provincial Council, Elena Lledós.

The general director for the eradication of GBV, Laia Rosich, will present the Framework Protocol for a due diligence intervention in situations of GBV of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and then there will be a conference by the psychologist specialized in Gender-based violence, Alba Alfageme, with the title The great challenge: from the invisibility to the visibility of GBV.

The criminal lawyer Laia Serra, the psychosocial advisor of Payoke’s youth support team, Steve Gorelashvili, and the director of the Specialized Intervention Service (SIE) Baix Llobregat, Maria Jesús Rodríguez, will participate in the first round table on Safeguarding Minors Against Gender-Based Violence.

The second round table will discuss Transcultural perspectives in addressing the challenges in supporting women survivors of GBV with Myrto Prodromidou, regional coordinator of the DIOTIMA Centre in Thessaloniki and social worker; Catarina Alves, professor at the UAB and consultant in gender and transculturality; Irina Lenzi, Project assistant of the “Leaving violence. Living safe” implemented by D.i.Re and UNHCR, and Siham Hibu, expert in cross-cultural approach and mediation at the CADMI Antiviolence Centre in Milan, moderated by the director of the ABD Inclusion Area and head of the Intercultural Mediation Service of the Barcelona City Council, Mónica Plana.

The third round table will explain the work of Antiviolence centers and reception services as catalysts for transformative gender social policies and will feature the general director for the Eradication of GBV, Laia Rosich; the director of Childhood, Family and Gender Area of ABD, Carme Calafat; and the intervention expert at CADMI, Ilaria Badini. Angela Toffanin, researcher at the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies of Italy (IRPPS).

Carme Calafat, director of Childhood, Family and Gender Area of ABD, will close the event and will give way to a networking space.

Prior registration is needed at

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