Experts from four regions have participated in the special issue of the journal Drugs, Habits and Social Policy, where they demonstrate the usefulness of drug analysis
Several studies in the special issue highlight the impact of drug testing on harm reduction. Research conducted by Measham and Simmons and Barratt, among others, in England and Australia, respectively, shows more specifically that when users receive results that do not correspond to their expectations, a majority (2/3 to 3/4) either get rid of the substance in question or declare that they intend to do so.
Drug checking as a market surveillance tool
It also makes it possible to monitor drug markets, document the emergence of new psychoactive substances and answer questions that have implications for harm reduction. For example, in a separate study by a DCS operated by Échele Cabeza in Colombia, Diaz Moreno and others identified more than a dozen different substances in samples of tusi, an incoherent mixture of substances with widely varying effects. Tusi has been circulating for several years in Central and South America, as well as in Spain.
Perspectives for the future
The TEDI network considers that the following 3 points are essential to improve the development of drug checking services:
– Providing drug checking with a stronger legal basis would increase its scope and reach in many countries.
– Provide universal access to drug checking from regular and reliable resources from the public, private and third sectors.
– Evaluate their effectiveness and utility using public health data or from a health economics perspective, estimating the health care cost savings involved.
About TEDI
TEDI is a network of European field drug testing services sharing their knowledge and data within a European monitoring and reporting system. TEDI is part of the Nightlife Empowerment & Well-being Network – New Net.
TEDI was created in 2011 to foster the exchange of analytical data between countries and drug checking organizations. It currently represents 21 field drug testing services from 14 different European countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Netherlands, Finland, Czech Republic and United Kingdom).
ABD presentation. Why do we do what we do?
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