Youth+ program participants enjoy a few days of living together in Hungary

The group has organized information sessions for young migrants in Lleida this August

A group of young people of Spanish and Moroccan nationality participated this July in an exchange within the European YOUTH+ project for social inclusion in Hungary. For ten days, they carried out training activities, exchanged knowledge and experiences with the aim of “generating a more inclusive society for all people”, according to the participants themselves.

During these days, both participants and professionals from the Bienestar y Desarrollo Association (ABD in Spanish) and INTRESS developed various dynamics through non-formal and informal education to transmit new ideas, tools and methods that contribute to promoting autonomy, active participation and improving the quality of life of young migrants. 

During the workshops, the participants worked on dynamics of knowledge, cohesion, discovery of emotions, social inclusion through music and sports, and group reflections on the sense of justice and social reality. On the other hand, samples of Moroccan and Berber culture were also given to break down stigmas and prejudices towards the Arab world.

The result: the basis of the project to be carried out by the young participants in the project at the end of August in Lleida, which will consist of information sessions for young migrants arriving in Spain. The conference will focus on emotional and linguistic accompaniment and on providing practical and technical information on the steps to follow to obtain the documentation to be able to work and study in Spain. 

This idea came from the group of young people themselves, since they were able to detect the needs that they experienced when they arrived in Spain and want to give a real and effective response to this situation.

YOUTH+ for social inclusion

The project is coordinated by the Hungarian organization Élményakadémia in collaboration with ABD in Spain, Via Kreation in Germany and OBR in Romania. The initiative, financed by the European program Erasmus+ KA2, will be carried out from November 2021 to February 2024 through various specific actions both at international and local level.

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