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Agri for Integration
The “Agri for Integration” project promotes the inclusion of Third-Country Nationals (TCNs), especially women, into the local agri-food job market by co-designing strategies with community stakeholders. It provides sustainable agriculture training and career mentoring for TCNs and capacity-building for integration professionals. The project aims to empower TCNs, foster inclusion, support local economies, and promote sustainability.
The “Agri for Integration” project addresses the need for local strategies to promote the inclusion of third-country nationals (TCNs) into the agricultural job market in EU host communities.
Currently, there is a significant gap in specific policies targeting TCN inclusion into the agricultural sector, with existing policies generally focusing on the broader labor market. Additionally, migrant communities often have little involvement in the creation and implementation of local inclusion strategies.
TCNs face higher unemployment rates than native-born nationals, with women TCNs experiencing multiple forms of discrimination that further limit their employment opportunities.
There are few tailored work-related training programs in the agri-food sector, and few intercultural training opportunities for host communities, which are necessary to overcome lack of experience in dealing with inclusion issues. Furthermore, there are limited opportunities for interaction and engagement between TCNs and local communities due to language barriers, cultural differences, and a lack of trust and understanding.
The project also seeks to address workforce shortages in agricultural regions, a major concern for the EU, particularly in rural areas. By focusing on providing sustainable agriculture training and aligning with EU priorities for green skills, “Agri for Integration” aims to promote fair and equitable inclusion of TCNs into the agricultural workforce, ultimately benefiting both TCNs and their host communities.
Specific objectives:
- Map, promote, and disseminate best practices for TCN inclusion, and assist local authorities in creating effective inclusion strategies.
- Help TCNs find employment through bridge events with employers and improve their skills in sustainable agriculture and employability.
- Raise awareness of TCNs’ employment rights, environmental responsibilities, and the need for inclusion in the agri-food sector.
- Enhance intercultural skills of host communities for better social inclusion and support TCNs.
Main activities
- Formation of 5 multi-stakeholder partnerships involving 50 stakeholders.
- Organization of 65 consultation activities involving 60 stakeholders, including 30 TCNs.
- Collection and dissemination of 20 best practices, and 5 webinars with local authorities.
- Development of 1 local inclusion strategy to enhance coherence between migration, agriculture, and inclusion into the labour market.
- Conduct 25 bridge events, supporting 250 TCNs in finding employment.
- Hold 50 workshops on working in the agri-food sector, engaging 500 TCNs.
- Conduct 30 capacity-building workshops for 450 host community members.
- Conduct 5 training workshops for career mentoring coordinators and mentors, with 300 mentoring sessions.
- Create an e-platform for distance learning and dissemination of training materials.
- Inform approximately 10,000 people about the project’s activities and benefits.
- Disseminate good practices for TCN inclusion at national and EU levels.
Results / expected impact
- 250 TCNs receive assistance in finding employment.
- 500 TCNs attend training and workshops, learn about work in the agri-food sector, and increase their employability skills.
- 50 stakeholders become directly involved through partnerships with organizations
- Improved social inclusion and economic outcomes for TCNs through employment and reduced discrimination and exploitation
- Strengthened role of public authorities, host communities, CSOs supporting TCNs, and agribusinesses.
- An enhanced understanding of EU policies among public agencies to support continued TCN inclusion.
The ‘Agri for Integration’ project is cofunded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) of the European Comission and coordinated by the Comune Di Marineo (Italia). The partner organisations are Prism Impresa Sociale S.R.L. (Italy), Anaptyxiaki Etaireia Dimou Trikkaion Anaptyxiaki (Greece), Organosi Gi (Greece), Charokopeio Panepistimio (Greece), Social-och arbetsmarknadsförvaltningen, Mölndals Stad (Sweden), Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo (Spain), Slovak Humanitarian Council (Slovakia), Support Group Network (Sweden).
Se implementará en Eslovaquia, España, Grecia, Italia y Suecia durante 36 meses.
Agri for integration
“Agri for Integration” promotes the inclusion of Third-Country Nationals (TCNs), especially women, into the local agri-food job market by co-designing strategies with community stakeholders.
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