5 ABD professionals attend the meeting to share learning and resources with their teams back in Spain
During the month of June, the Italian Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (SISST) organised two training courses aimed at professionals working with women victims of gender-based violence from different countries in Europe, within the framework of the Care4Trauma project. 5 ABD professionals have participated in the latter to share learning and resources with their teams in Spain.
The training has been held in two blocks: one for professionals in social education, social work and social integration and lawyers and another for in psychology and psychiatry professionals.
Sessions have addressed different topics: from the definition of trauma and adversity, the prevalence of trauma and gender violence, the impact of trauma on the quality of life, presentations of trauma in the context of care and justice, skills to observe, assess and respond to trauma situations and to be able to transmit information to users, the operation of the network of violence in Spain and in the various countries represented, the systemic implementation of Reported Care on the Trauma and the barriers to implementing it in health, social and judicial systems, as well as practical activities related to the effects of secondary trauma on professionals.
The main goal of the training is to raise awareness among professionals about the effects of trauma on women victims of violence, their children and to promote the dissemination this perspective in their workplaces. Furthermore, it seeks to motivate trainers to find a means of integrating informed care about Trauma effectively into their training initiatives, with particular attention to the organisational cultures to which they belong.
The participants valued positively the knowledge acquired, the materials received and the practical dynamics made, which will be very useful for the training that they will give their teams from September onwards.
Training for the teams in Spain
The CAPSEM professionals who have participated in the first bloc will, from September onwards, offer training Fundamentals and essential elements of informed attention to trauma (ICT) to two groups of 20 professionals with profiles of social education, social work and social integration and lawyers.
From their side, CAPSEM and SIE Garraf professionals who have taken part in the second block will offer the training Specialised Studies Plan on Psycho-Traumatology and Reported Care on Trauma (ICT) aimed at two groups of 20 professionals with a psychology and psychiatry profile involved in providing support to victims of gender violence.
About the project
Care4Trauma is a programme aimed at women survivors of male violence, as well as professionals and organizations working in this field. Funded by the European Commission’s Justice Programme (JUST), Care4Trauma is led by Associazione MondoDonna Onlus (Italy) and has partner entities: ABD Welfare and Development Association (Spain); Italian Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (SISST, Italy); Union of Women Associations of Heraklion Prefecture (UWAH, Greece); Women’s Support and Information Centre (WSIC, Estonia); Autonomous Women’s House Zagreb (AŽKZ, Croacia).

ABD presentation. Why do we do what we do?
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