Childhood and family

Due to their fragility, children are exposed to a greater violation of their basic rights. Only in Europe, 19% of children are at risk of suffering poverty, and this reaches 40% in Spain. Behind the numbers there are faces of children with uncertain futures. We are currently witnessing situations of social emergency that will increase inequality and childhood poverty. We need a better system for child protection that guarantees these rights are ensured.

Our Response

In order to defend their rights and ensure their well-being, we commit ourselves to the protection of childhood, their environment and their family. We promote positive parenting, respecting their needs and facilitating equal opportunities in their development.

Right to protection

Early detection of vulnerable cases. We cover the basic food, medication needs, and other essentials. Every child has the right to a home. We advise and support low-income families to that end.

Right to education

We support children in their educational and schooling process.

Right to play

Children learn and discover life by playing. We try to ensure they have the space and tranquillity to do it.

Right to support for the families

We strengthen the link between parents and children. We educate in positive parenting. We psycho-socially support both children and families.

“I’ve discovered that being a mother isn’t the end of the world, I’m looking forward to going back to school, I know I can do it!”

19 years old

“I’ve learned a lot about raising my son, now he is a cheerful baby.”

18 years old


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