Occupational Center in Torrent
for people with intellectual disabilities arranged with the Generalitat Valenciana.
for people with intellectual disabilities arranged with the Generalitat Valenciana.
ABD serves 171,822 people during 2022, 10% more than the previous year Since 2019 we have had Special Consultative Status before the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations…
The Welfare and Development Association has become one of the first third-sector social entities to receive the international certification of achievement of the United Nations SDGs The 2021 Anual Report…
During 2020, the ABD Group served 125,841 people, 7% more than in 2019. This task has been possible thanks to the work of 1,551 professionals and 467 volunteers and collaborators.…
The Avantos Occupational Center is a day-stay facility for adult people with intellectual disabilities. We provide professional, personal and social habilitation, in order to achieve the maximum development of the…
The Almanzor Day Center is a specialized rehabilitation equipment for a daytime stay for adult people with intellectual disabilities. We provide professional, personal and social empowerment, in order to achieve the…
The Torrent Occupational Center is the first initiative undertaken by the ABD in the Valencian Community. With this equipment, ABD expands its presence and consolidates the area of attention to…
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