Food Relations, the new project of Action, Welfare and Development ABD, is going to be launched this next Saturday, February 16 at 11:30 p.m., at the Parc de la Marquesa (Hospitalet de Llobregat) with a special presentation through a shared paella made by Compartir Dóna Gustet.
It is an European initiative that will organize a cuisine course and a community workshop run by Espigoladors Foundation with people from different origins in Hospitalet de Llobregat, El Prat de Llobregat, and Barcelona.
From this course, a gastronomic and social product will be developed, which will enhance the different culinary traditions that are present in our territories. The product will be 100% natural, made from reused, artisanal, high-quality food surplus and created with raw materials of proximity.
The project will be based on popular recipes that visibilize the wealth of gastronomic diversity in the territory as well as the life experiences that go hand in hand with them.
Intercultural dialogue through food
It is a European initiative that wants to promote intercultural dialogue through food – in general terms: from an urban garden to community cuisine. The initiative is developed in four European cities: Milan (Italy), Thessaloniki (Greece), Friborg (Germany) and Hospitalet de Llobregat and Barcelona.
Through the course, Food Relations wants to train people of diverse cultural origin and with experience in cooking to professionalize their knowledge. So they would share it through workshops of intercultural cuisine for the community, schools or social centres.
“An intercultural cuisine course, the creation of a 100% natural product and a popular recipes book are the three parts of this project that promotes diversity and inclusion”
The presentation of the project, on Saturday -February 16th-, will be structured around the paella made by the artist Marc Sempere Moya, from Compartir Dóna Gustet. Free tickets will be available at 11:30 a.m. There will also be Moroccan desserts for everybody.
The event will also launch the III Gaudir Millora la Salut, promoted by Taula de Salut Comunitària de Collblanc – la Torrassa, which promotes cultural and healthy activities in different thematic areas (theater, crafts, food, dancing, activity physics, etc.).
This event is organised by ABD, Cicle Gaudir millora la salut, Comunitat Activa and Food Relations. Collaboration from ICI l’Hospitalet, Foundation Espigoladors, Compartir dóna gustet, Amics de la Gent Gran, Consorci de Sanitat Integral and Projecte Paidós. All the project is financed by the European Commission through the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).
What is the Food Relations project?
“Volunteering, community, hospitality, interculturality, empowerment”
Food Relations is the new European project that aims to strengthen the spaces for social participation, intercultural communication and the inclusion of migrants, through the development and exchange of experiences that understand food as a tool for dialogue and inclusion.
This initiative is cofinanced by European Union and promoted by ACRA (IT), Consorzio Sistema di Imprese Sociali (IT), Cooperativa Passepartout (IT), Kamba (IT), ABD-ONG (ES), Die Agronauten (DE) i Agroecopolis (GR).
Here you can find more information
ABD presentation. Why do we do what we do?
📢 Come to the Europe Day of the LILA project