
Home4Health is a project that seeks collaborate with civil society organizations, institutions, and public authorities in addressing, from a socially inclusive perspective, the challenges encountered in caring for homeless people facing complex health issues and traumas, such as addiction.

The project will also adapt VET organizations to labor market needs, taking as its background the urgent need for a transition to inclusive socioeconomic systems in a post-covid pandemic scenario, and the increasing complexity in demand for jobs and skills across the health and social sectors, specifically tackling complex issues such as addiction and trauma. Consequently, it aims at increasing opportunities for professional development by sharing best practices and experiences at the European level.

The Home4Health project, funded by the Erasmus+ program, will be implemented between January 2024 and June 2026, in collaboration with the following organizations: Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo ABD (Spain) as the project coordinator, CRESCER (Portugal), HVO-Querido (Netherlands), Cork Simon Community (Ireland).


The pandemic has had a major impact on the increase in the levels of homelessness and long-term homelessness in Europe, which have steadily and rapidly increased to the point where it is now a social emergency. Young people are particularly vulnerable to this general trend. 

Homeless people face reduced life expectancy, health risks, social exclusion, discrimination, isolation, poor access to education and barriers to access to basic public services and benefits.

Target groups:

  • Professionals -including VET professionals- working in the health and social sectors
  • Civil Society Organizations (CSO’s), VET institutions, Academia, Umbrella organizations and Public Administrations at a local, regional and EU level.
  • Beneficiaries/clients of the selected initiatives
  • General stakeholders
  • General public

Main Activities:

The activities the Consortium will implement to reach the project objectives are:

  • Good Practices and GAP Analysis on the national and EU contexts related to health and social initiatives addressing homeless people with complex health and trauma issues
  • European knowledge and experience sharing meeting in Lisbon
  • European and National Exchange and Peer-learning Workshops (Cork, Amsterdam, Barcelona and Lisbon)
  • Cross-Sector Training materials: VET Training Program, MOOC and Toolkit targeting professionals, institutions, universities, NGOs, Public Administration and Social Economy Enterprises.
  • Dissemination activities and networking events, including a communication campaign
  • Creation of a European Support Network for initiatives providing access to housing for homeless individuals facing complex health issues and traumas.
  • EU Guidelines to support local governments to adopt innovative and inclusive approaches when addressing homeless people with complex health and trauma issues.

Impact and results

  • At least 5 best practices are identified in the Good Practices and GAP Analysis research by each partner
  • At least 24 key practitioners participate in the European Knowledge Experience Sharing Meeting
  • At least 160 professionals acquire new competences and skills appropriate for working with people at risk of social exclusion
  • At least 80 guests attend the European Conference and Networking event in Barcelona
  • At least 10 organizations/initiatives and 4 specialized platforms are involved in the creation of the Home4Health European Support Network
  • At least 20 key stakeholders and public authorities are interested in capitalizing and following up on the project results
  • At least 8.000 citizens will be reached throughout the dissemination and communication campaign.



Home4Health seeks to collaborate with civil society organizations, institutions, and public authorities in addressing, from a socially inclusive perspective, the challenges encountered in caring for homeless people facing complex health issues and traumas, such as addiction.

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