Fènix Project, an urban agriculture initiative to improve the employability of people in drug addiction treatment

The initiative, which also aims to break the stigma that often surrounds this group, takes place in a CAS in Barcelona

The drug area of ​​the Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo ABD launches an urban agroecology initiative that seeks to improve the social and labor inclusion of people in drug addiction treatment, as well as breaking the stigma that often surrounds them. Under the slogan Cultivating new opportunities, the Fènix project will take place in the garden of the Sarriá Care and Monitoring Center (CAS) (a space provided by the Barcelona Public Health Agency) and will accompany a fortnight of people this year. Likewise, it wants to turn the space into a center for community participation with entities, companies and people from the Sarrià- Sant Gervasi neighborhood. The project also has the collaboration of the College of Architects of Catalonia (COAC) which will be in charge of the arrangement of some spaces.

The people who participate in the project will take part in the entire process: from the cultivation and maintenance of the plants within a forest gardening model, to the organization of work, economic-financial planning, the promotion of products and their sale. , etc. All of them will receive basic training around agroecology and other more specific ones according to a personalized social insertion itinerary to improve employability. At the same time, they will gain experience in social and collective entrepreneurship with the commercialization of products. In this way, they also go from being people at risk of social exclusion to people who supply themselves with food produced and maintained by themselves, while promoting responsible consumption and a sustainable food system.

In addition to the impact on people in drug addiction treatment, the project has a community aspect through which it seeks to open up to the neighborhood and collaborate with the neighbors. The Garden can serve as a space for exchange and use for entities and people in the district who need to meet or do outdoor activities, a family meeting place for people in treatment or a point of visit for schools or leisure projects who want to know more on social agroecology. An information point on food ecology open to the district will also be installed. Thus, it will work to break down prejudices and stigmas that often surround people with problems related to substance addictions.

The project is funded by the Barcelona City Council, but needs 3,500 euros to guarantee its continuity until March 2021. If you want to collaborate, make your contribution on this page by clicking on the ‘Make your donation’ button.

Fenix ​​project

Fènix Project, an urban agriculture initiative to improve the employability of people in drug addiction treatment The initiative, which also aims to break the stigma that often surrounds this group,…

Ajuntament de Barcelona

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