The LILA project comes to an end with a European Conference in Barcelona

Around 100 people attended the event to discuss about the prevention of GBV from different fields and perspectives

The Final Conference of the LILA project, under the title “Addressing Gender-Based Violence From Diverse Perspectives and Transformative Practices” , was held on Friday, February 23, 2024, in Barcelona. Around 100 people gathered in La Bonne Cultural Center to learn more about the issues and challenges to prevent Gender-Based Violence and support the survivors.

Partner organizations presented the activities carried out within the LILA project and professionals from different countries (Italy, Greece, Spain and Belgium) and fields (assistance for minors, transcultural perspective or antiviolence centers and hosting services) exchanged their experiences on preventing GVB and supporting the survivors. They stressed the seriousness of the issue and presented transformative practices aimed at supporting survivors and enriching the development of interdisciplinary tools for comprehensive assistance to both survivors and their children.

The speakers also pointed out the need to review and reflect on men’s role in addressing GBV and administration representatives shared the policies and frameworks carried out by the Barcelona Provincial Council and the Catalan Government.

The conference closed with the presentation of the project results and provided a platform for networking between professionals and organizations.

Additionally, the day before the conference, delegations from Greece, Italy, and Belgium were able to meet with representatives from different services and areas of ABD to discuss projects and initiatives aimed at preventing and addressing victims of gender-based violence.

The Impact of the LILA Project

After two years of implementation, the LILA project came to an end. Four pilots have been implemented in Spain, Italy, Greece, and Belgium, aimed at providing comprehensive support to over 100 women. LILA has not only contributed to improving the lives of the participants but has also established a framework for collaboration and learning among European countries in this field.

Final figures:

  • 4 organizations from different European countries
  • 4 national clusters bringing together more than 20 organizations and local administrations
  • 103 women survivors of gender-based violence participating in the pilot
  • 750 hours of individual and group support for the participating women
  • 5 approach axes: training, psychological support, legal assistance, guidance and job insertion, community participation
  • 390 professionals trained with the LILA Program
  • 16 hours of specialized online training
  • 2.681.923 citizens reached through the #ActNow communication campaign.
  • 25 organizations, content creators, and activists joining the #ActNow campaign.

Research and project results

The project has had a significant research component, and the results can be found on the project’s website

  • Desk Research: Service analysis and country scenarios on gender-based violence after Covid-19 in Spain, Belgium, Greece and Italy. The study seeks to explore service provision to survivors of gender-based violence (GBV). English version
  • Online transnational capacity building for professionals involved in the pilots’ implementation. Link to YouTube List.
  • Protocol: Guide to psychosocial intervention for girls and women affected by gender-based violence and their children. Link to the Protocol.
  • Evaluation Report – it will be published on the project’s website in March 2024
  • Catalogue containing the 4 LILA Pilots –  it will be published on the project’s website in March 2024

The project is funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV), and coordinated by the Welfare and Development Association (ABD in Spanish) and it has been carried out from March 2022 to February 2024 in partnership with the organizations ACRA (IT), DIOTIMA (GR), PAYOKE (BE).

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