The European project EU3Digital closes its path with the celebration of the final event in The Hague and the presentation of the results.
In April, EU3Digital held its final event in The Hague, as part of the Scaling Social Impact in Europe #SSIE23 event organised by Euclid Network.
As partner organisation of the project, ABD was present at the workshop ‘Learn how to support social enterprises’, in which the head of the entity’s international projects, Mireia Munté, participated. In her speech she presented the process of digital transformation and innovation that ABD has undergone, through the use of digital tools in internal and external communication, digitisation in fundraising or the use of digital marketing, without forgetting the need to create and adapt digital spaces during the pandemic.
The workshop also served to address the challenge of how to support social enterprises in their digital transformation and international escalation.
The event featured two other workshops, in which the two assistant trainers from the ABD who gave the project’s second training in Croatia participated: Victor Fancelli, a digital archivist at the Open Resource Center in Karlsruhe, and David Jacovkis, a member of the Femprocomuns cooperative.

Project results
The main results of the project consist of training materials and digital skills tools that third sector organisations and social companies can use to improve their digitalisation process.
Two theoretical products have also been created that contribute to existing knowledge about digitisation and social impact, with the aim of helping stakeholders to become more aware of the digitisation needs of third sector organisations and to act accordingly.
Specifically, the materials generated within the framework of the project are:
- Framework of Digital Competences for Third Sector Organisations and Social Enterprises
- Curricula design and assessment of training
- Policy Paper | Digital Support for Social Impact.
- Toolkit on Digital Skills
In addition, a podcast has been produced named MASTER: EU3Digital that presents interviews with members of the team, volunteers and participants at the activities of training of the project. Each episode offers a perspective on digital innovations in the EU, and provides information and practical councils to aid the persons and organisations at improving his digital competences.
All the materials are available for his download at the web of the project:
About the project
EU3Digital is project funded by the Erasmus+ KA204 program and coordinated by Eslider Portugal (PT). It also ABD amb les Welfare and Development Association (SP), The Open University (UK), Universidade do Porto (PT), Volonterski centar Osijek (Croatia) and Euclid Network (BE) as partner organisations.
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