This spring the initial meetings of three new European projects took place, one of them coordinated by the ABD Group.
Labor inclusion of migrant people
The main objective of the POWGEN project is to address the challenges related to the inclusion of migrants in the labour market through training and actions that promote the development of skills in the renewable energy and energy rehabilitation sectors. Through this initiative, it seeks to improve the labour inclusion opportunities of migrants and promote their professional growth in key areas for the sustainable future of society.
POWGEN, funded by the European Commission’s AMIF-2023 programme, is coordinated by the Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo ABD in collaboration with ECOSERVEIS (Spain), CRESCER (Portugal), PRO ARBEIT (Germany), C.I.D.I.S (Italy), Regione Campania (Italy) and the EU Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions CPMR. It will run from April 2024 to September 2026 and the 5 pilots will be implemented in 4 European countries: Spain, Germany, Portugal and Italy.
With a transnational approach and multinational collaboration, POWGEN aims to contribute significantly to the creation of more inclusive work environments and the development of skills relevant to the current and future labour market.

Support organisations against gender-based violence
The POWER project aims to contribute to, support, and build the capacity of independent civil society organisations active at local, regional, national and EU level in the fight against gender-based violence, thus contributing to the full enjoyment of women’s rights, to the equal empowerment of women and men, in all their diversity.
Specifically, POWER aims to improve the impact of Italian, Spanish and Greek NGOs in the fight against gender-based violence, promote gender equality and women’s empowerment at local, regional, national and European level.
The project, funded by the CERV-2023-DAPHNE programme of the European Comission, is leaded by WeWorld (Italy) with ABD Group and Action Aid Hellas (Greece) as partner organisations. It will be implemented between February 2024 and January 2027.

Critical citizenship education
The Global Districts project, funded by the European Commission’s DEAR Programme, focuses on critical citizenship education for greater inclusion and involvement of European youth in local and global challenges. Through this initiative, a more inclusive society is promoted at local and community level, fostering a sense of co-responsibility for sustainable development. Especially aimed at the youth population, with a focus on girls, the project seeks to improve the skills of young people and engage them in addressing global inequalities and sustainable challenges, working in partnership with disadvantaged urban-rural communities.
Through specific and practical activities such as the development of inclusive education materials, training of young community leaders, workshops and debates, the project aims to enhance the capacities of young people to tackle global inequalities and promote sustainable development. With this approach, it seeks to encourage the active participation of young people in the transformation of society and the promotion of fairer and more equitable environments, giving a voice to groups in situations of exclusion and favouring social inclusion.
Global Districts, coordinated by Fondazione ACRA (Italy) will be implemented during 4 years, between February 2024 and February 2028, with partner organisations Action Aid Hellas (Greece), Anthropolis Egyesület (Hungary), Association Assistance and programos for Sustainable Development – Agenda 21 (Romania), Center for Citizenship Education (Poland), Finep Academy (Germany), People in Need (Slovakia), Suedwind Entwicklungspolitik Tirol (Austria) and WeWorld (Italy).

ABD presentation. Why do we do what we do?
📢 Come to the Europe Day of the LILA project