2025 kicks off with four new international projects

Between the last months of 2024 and this January, the projects Agri 4 Integration, AMIR, Educate for Independence and Fado, in which ABD participates, have been launched.

The initial meetings of four new European projects were held in January: Agri 4 Integration, AMIR, Educate for Independence and Fado. ABD participates in all of them as a member of the consortium.

Agri 4 Integration

The project aims to implement a local strategy for the inclusion of migrants, especially women, in the agri-food sector. The first meeting was held in Marineo and Palermo, as the project is led by the Municipality of Marineo.

At the Castelo Beccadelli, Deputy Mayor Carlo Greco welcomed the participants and highlighted his municipality’s commitment to the inclusion of migrant people through vocational training and education. In addition, they are exploring precision agriculture with new technologies, which represents a potential avenue for incorporating people with migrant background into professional roles in modern agriculture.

Agri 4 Integration will provide training in sustainable agriculture and professional mentoring for migrants and training for professionals engaged in labour market insertion. In addition, the project will work to raise awareness of migrants’ labour rights, environmental responsibility and the need for inclusion in the agri-food sector and to improve the intercultural skills of host communities to enhance social inclusion and support people from different backgrounds who have arrived in the territory.

The initial meeting served to get to know each other, to review roles, responsibilities and strategies of the project, to plan the activities of the local development strategy and to prepare the dissemination activities, including the graphic image.

‘Agri for Integration’  is cofunded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) of the European Comission and it’s coordinated by the Comune Di Marineo (Italy). The partner organizations are: Prism Impresa Sociale S.R.L. (Italy), Anaptyxiaki Etaireia Dimou Trikkaion Anaptyxiaki (Greece), Organosi Gi (Greece), Charokopeio Panepistimio (Greece), Social-och arbetsmarknadsförvaltningen, Mölndals Stad (Sweden), Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo (Spain), Slovak Humanitarian Council (Slovakia) and Support Group Network (Sweden).

It will be implemented in Slovakia, Spain, Greece, Italy and Sweden for 36 months.


Another project that started at the end of 2024 and has been launched this month is AMIR. Led by the Italian APG23, it aims to improve the inclusion of people from non-European countries at regional and local level in the EU. The initiative develops and tests a local integration strategy that aims to benefit both migrants and host communities, promoting social cohesion and inclusion.

Through transnational cooperation between different relevant actors, AMIR identifies good practices and disseminates them, with the aim of creating evidence-based methodologies that can be replicated in other EU countries.

In these first months of the year, the project is preparing for the creation of focus groups with the participation of entities and groups led by migrants or that accompany the inclusion of migrants and open to the community in sectors such as education, labour integration or health. The aim of these focus groups is to promote dialogue between stakeholders and contribute to the design of good practices in the accompaniment of migrants in their inclusion processes, with special emphasis on labour integration, access to housing and financial education.

AMIR is coordinated by the Comunita Papa Giovanni XXIII (Italy) with partner organizations  ABD (Spain), Subjective Values Foundation (Hungary), EureCons (Germany), Codeca (Chipre), Forum Réfugiés (France), Föreningen Maracana (Sweden), KMOP (Greece) and ANCI Emilia Romagna (Italy).

It is funded by the European Union through the AMIF-2023-TF2-AG-CALL

  Educate for Independence

On 15 January, the first meeting took place between the partner organisations of the Educate for independence project. At the meeting, the entities were introduced to each other, the shared work spaces were established, financial aspects were reviewed and the implementation of the outreach part of the project was shared. The aim of this work package with CIESE is to ensure inter-institutional cooperation in order to provide the knowledge and reliable data needed to reach the target group of the project.

Educate for Independence is a project aimed at young people from 15 to 29 years old with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities in NEET situation (neither studying, nor working, nor with training), which seeks to promote their autonomy and their integration into the labour market.

Through a personalised learning model, it promotes community participation and collaboration with social services, local authorities and businesses to overcome the barriers presented by standard programmes.

A total of 250 young people will receive support to develop life and employment skills, while 80 professionals and 150 companies are trained in the social and labour inclusion of this group.

Educate 4 Integration is coordinated by APG23Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII (Italy) with partner organizations CESIE ENTE TERZO SETTORE (Italy), INNOVATION HIVE (Greece), Il Ramo società cooperativa sociale (Italy), InterAktion – Verein für ein interkulturelles Zusammenleben (Austria), Asociación Bienestar y Desarollo (Spain) and Consorzio Socio Assistenziale del Cuneese (Italy). It will be implemented for 24 months in Spain, Greece, Italy and Austria.

The project is funded by the Social Innovations for the Upskilling of Vulnerable Youth, Especially Young People not in Employment, Education, or Training (NEETs) call.


The FADO (Finding Assistance, Delivering Outreach) project was formally launched in December, but this January the first working meeting between the partners has already taken place. In this last one, the draft of the Quality Plan and the identification of topics for the FADO itinerary were presented, from the regulations on male violence to the causes of male violence, the technical skills of theatre performance or the peer-to-peer methodology. The dissemination strategy, the graphic image of the project and the communication in social networks were also discussed. Finally, they started planning the next meeting in Padova, which will take place in March.

FADO is a comprehensive support system for victims of gender-based violence, coordinated by Maison de l’Europe des Landes WIPSEE. The aim of the project is to support people to confront gender-based violence and discriminations through witness theatre. This tool raises awareness in the community, emancipates people who have experienced gender-based violence, encourages the sharing of experiences and empowers them to be facilitators in other groups. In addition, a network of educators, social workers, therapists and artists will be created through the FADO programme, involving local communities. Activities include the design of a theatrical journey to help victims come out of isolation and regain the role of active citizens, its adaptation into an interactive web portal, pilots with 10 participants in France, Italy, Serbia and Spain, theatre workshops and local performances, and dissemination and evaluation activities.

FADO is coordinated by Maison de l’Europe des Landes WIPSEE (France) with partner organizations Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo ABD (Spain), NET Associazione Culturale (Italy), UG Dah Teatar (Serbia), ETE FAROS LTD (Chipre) and MetaArte Associazione Arte e Cultura (Italy).

It will be implemented from December 2024 to May 2027 in France, Spain, Italy, Chipre and Serbia and it’s funded by the ERASMUS+ Cooperation partenariats in adult education (KA220-ADU) call.

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