On the 17th of May, the women from the project Mums@Work will join the International Mother’s Day public event in The Hague, organized by the project partner Vital Aid Foundation.
Vital Aid is organizing an International Mother’s Day to celebrate the achievements of women, create an enabling environment for helpful information, expert discussion on migrant women’s obstacles linked to labor inclusion and networking with potential employers and its EU partners. The theme of the day is the access of migrant women into the EU labour market.
Four women from the project implemented by ABD in Spain will join other professionals, women and organizations in The Hague for panel discussions about labour integration and emancipation with the Mums@Work partners. The event will include poetry, presentations by migrant mothers participating in the program and exhibitions of artistic projects created by them.
The event will host a special guest of honor, the ambassador of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Eniola Olaitan Ajayi.
More information and registrations at http://mumsatwork.vitalaid.org/
The Mums at Work project is funded by the European Union’s AMIF Fund.Coordinated by Pro Arbeit (Germany) and in partnership with Vital Aid Foundation (Netherlands), SOLUTION: Solidarité & Inclusion (France), C.I.D.I.S. Onlus (Italy), Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo Ong (Spain), Synthesis Centre (Cyprus) and the European Network of Migrant Women (Belgium/EU), it aims at increasing employability, sustainable income and social integration of migrant mothers aged 25-40 in Europe.
ABD presentation. Why do we do what we do?
📢 Come to the Europe Day of the LILA project