Cooltorise starts its corporate volunteer work program with Schneider

Schneider Electric has selected the Cooltorise project to add it to its Corporate Social Responsability strategy and to engage their professionals into volunteer work. From Schneider, they understand access to energy as a “human right” and because of that, they decided to choose Cooltorise for their actions “for a social common goal”. “Cooltorise is about everything that we and our people fight for”, they state.

As a company, they are aware of their social impact and, therefore they want to work for the progress and development in all areas, conveying values related to climate, resources, confidence, equality and sustainability. Internally, they do that through volunteer work actions in different fields: access to energy, biodiversity programs, STEM programs for girls and women, training for youngsters in vulnerable situations, etc. “We strengthen the sense of belonging of the people to the community, sharing the social values of the company that match those in which Cooltorise and its coordinating organizations work on”.

Schneider offers volunteer work actions to the company workers so that they can be trained as Summer Energy Poverty Agents with Cooltorise.

In the November sessions of SEPA training, already 10 people from the company showed their interest in the project and joined the training to be able to assess and inform the households in the near future, carry out outdoors interventions or take part into awareness raising activities related to the impact of energy poverty in summer.

In addition, Cooltorise was one of the projects selected by the electric company for their Giving Tuesday campaign.

The corporate volunteer work program started with this collaboration, but we expect other companies and entities to join as well.

COOLTORISE is the first project financed by the European Comission focused on solving summer energy poverty (Horizon 2020 program for innovation and research). It is coordinated by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, and has the following partners: Asociación ECOSERVEIS, Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo ABD, AISFOR, Comune di Parma, Sdruzenie Tzentar za Ustoychivost Iikonomichesko Razvitie – MOP, Obshtina Peshtera and Vilabs OE.

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