Social Report and Balance 2022

ABD serves 171,822 people during 2022, 10% more than the previous year

Since 2019 we have had Special Consultative Status before the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations ECOSOC


The 2022 Report and Social Balance of the ABD Group is now available. A year where the social and economic situation has gone through a moment of transition between the worst moments of the covid-19 pandemic, which broke out in March 2020, and a new scenario marked by uncertainty.

Child poverty, the digital divide of the elderly, the chain of successive crises, migratory movements, male violence, social exclusion, the housing crisis, the effects of mental health problems and others diseases are pushing more households into precariousness.

Faced with this reality, the ABD Group has worked to strengthen the social shield. In this sense, this year we took a step forward with the incorporation of the Genus Institute to strengthen the model of attention to drug addictions, which is the key point of the origin of the organization, and which is based on the comprehensive and community care for vulnerable people and their families.


The action of the ABD Group in 2022, we are Third Sector


During 2022, from the ABD Group we have served 171,822 people through 183 services and programs, 10% more than in 2021. This task has been possible thanks to the work of 1,952 and 652 volunteers and collaborators. We have built a network with more than 130 entities and platforms from the administration and the Third Sector. In addition, we have executed 13 international projects with 17 countries to promote knowledge exchange and social innovation.

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