Barcelona will host the final event of Cut All Ties project with an exchange of experiences about gender-based violence prevention among youngsters in Italy and Spain

The journalist and humorist Ana Polo will lead the sessions on November 28 and 29, aimed at members of the educational community, public institutions and organizations interested in education, feminism, violence prevention, etc. and the general public 

On November 28 and 29 in La Bonne, the European project Cut All Ties celebrates the final event in Barcelona, with an exchange of experiences and challenges about the prevention of gender-based violence among youth in Barcelona, Madrid and Milan.

The sessions are aimed at members of the educational community (teachers and students), public institutions and organizations interested in or experts in education, feminism, violence prevention, etc. as well as the general public.

The event will be hosted by the journalist and comedian Ana Polo and will feature five spaces for debate and presentations that will reflect on topics such as: how to deal with sexist violence from sexual education, how to deal with it from educational institutions or how to identify and deal with them in digital environments from different perspectives.


After the institutional opening by the Barcelona City Council and the ABD Welfare and Development Association and the presentation of the implementation of the project and the first results in Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Milan, the round table Sexual Education to deal with gender-based violence with Teo Pardo, secondary school teacher and sex educator; Gemma Martret, from the Barcelona Education Consortium, and Esther Sánchez, from the Barcelona Public Health Agency; moderated by the head of ABD’s Sexual Health and HIV programs, Aldana Menéndez. Next, there will be a debate on How gender-based violence is addressed among adolescents and young people in Catalonia, with Bet Canal, secondary school teacher and expert in the prevention of sexist violence; Clara Giberga, group facilitator of the Cooperativa l’Esberla; and Maria Jesús Rodríguez, director of the SIE Baix Llobregat; with the moderation of Barbara Biglia, GREDI researcher and evaluator of the Cut All Ties project.

The second day will begin with the Exchange of experiences and challenges around the prevention of gender-based violence in Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Milan, with Noe Elvira from Sida Studi; Pitu Aparicio, educator and social integrator; and Sabrina Ortelli from the Milan City Council. It will be moderated by Mario Robles, social educator, art therapist and ABD employability professional. Next, Sílvia Merino from the Candela Cooperative will give a presentation on Gender-based violence in social networks and the impact on youth. To finish, there will be a round table on Tips to address the digital issue in the field of education, with the participation of Cristina Ribas, Professor at UPF and Director of Digital Communication at the Barcelona City Council; Rosy Nardone, researcher at the CSGE Centro Studi sul Genere e l’Educazione di Bologna and Luce Scheggi, educator, activist and content creator.

In addition to these spaces for dialogue, the documentary ‘Change the rules’ will be screened, with the intervention of the protagonists and there will be a market of artists who will bring their creations, from fanzines to jewelry, including textile products, crafts, photography, etc.

Consulta el programa completo

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