Preventive and risk reduction activities in the consumption of alcohol and other drugs

Energy Control focuses on the promotion of a critical attitude towards drug use, with a strong emphasis on decision-making and personal responsibility.

We also work with risky behaviors associated with drug use such as unprotected sex, driving and violence, as well as the social relationships that young people establish in leisure spaces.

In all the groups we will find different experiences, and the idea is to reach everyone, endowing the non-consumer with elements of resistance and building a positive image of the person who has decided not to consume without implying stigmatizing the consumer. For those who are closer to drug use, elements of reflection and patterns of non-problematic uses are provided, thus being able to have the necessary knowledge of risk reduction towards the consumption of substances.

The interventions proposed below are aimed at the entire educational community with the aim of providing useful information on drugs, taking into account the diverse needs of students, families and professionals working with young people and adolescents.






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