COOLTORISE is looking for volunteers to guarantee the right to energy for families

The next training will take place on November 16 and 23 at 18:30h at ABD headquarters in Barcelona (C/Quevedo, 2, Bajos).

After the hottest summer in recent times and in a context of rising energy prices, COOLTORISE is launching a new campaign to find volunteers who want to train as fuel poverty agents and help families to be more efficient and save energy.

COOLTORISE is a European project that seeks to raise awareness of energy poverty, especially in summer, and reduce cooling needs.

During the months of June and July, several volunteers conducted workshops on energy culture in Barcelona and the metropolitan area, to inform people interested in energy bills and heat culture to those most affected by energy poverty.

Now, the project implemented in Barcelona by the Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo ABD and the Asociación Ecoserveis is once again promoting the training of fuel poverty agents (SEPA). Although COOLTORISE focuses on combating the impact of high temperatures on the economy and welfare of households, this course will provide SEPA agents with a more transversal training, which will begin by addressing energy poverty, energy uses and habits, bill optimization and will progress with the preparation for the installation of energy saving kits, awareness-raising activities with children or community interventions in outdoor spaces (climate shelters).

The objective is that SEPA agents can be trained during the months of November to February or March in order to be able to start activities in homes and outdoor spaces in April. 

The next training will take place on November 16 and 23 at 18:30h at ABD headquarters in Barcelona (C/Quevedo, 2, Bajos). Register through this form.


The COOLTORISE project, funded by the European Union’s H2020 program, is coordinated by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, and has the following partners: ECOSERVEIS, Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo ABD, AISFOR, Comune di Parma, Sdruzenie Tzentar za Ustoychivost Iikonomichesko Razvitie – MOP, Obshtina Peshtera and Vilabs OE.

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