POWGEN is looking for consultants to design and implement a communication campaign

The goal is to raise awareness about the challenges of labour inclusion for migrant people, promote inclusive workplaces and share the project results and pilot initiatives

The POWGEN (Power Generation) project is looking for a service provider to produce the project’s communication campaign. The campaign will be implemented in all the Consortium territories (Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany, and across the EU through CPMR channels) from March 2025 to September 2026.

The general objective of the project’s campaign is to raise awareness about refugees and migrants labour inclusion, promote inclusive workplaces, share the project results and impact and foster innovations and replicability of pilot initiatives.

Phases of the campaign and calendar

The campaign is expected to be divided into two phases

The first phase will run from March 2025 to February 2026. It will be used to introduce the project objectives, the Local Clusters members and the POWGEN Labour Insertion Enterprises Hubs members, present the pilot activities, and the anticipated outcomes as well as presenting the regional context and challenges faced by migrant and refugee population. This first phase will culminate in disseminating exemplary approaches discussed during the Lisbon Knowledge and Experience Workshop. 

The second phase will run from March to September 2026. It will focus on disseminating the key outputs of the project, including the Joint Best Practices Report, POWGEN Training Program, and Inclusive EMPOWERGEN: EU Guidelines for Local and Regional Governments. The objective is to showcase successful cases with a primary focus on Third Country Nationals (TCNs), including women, emphasizing the positive impacts of inclusive workplaces for both migrant people and host societies. This initiative aims to challenge stereotypes and foster inclusivity.

Materials and content

The agency is expected to develop engaging multimedia content such as videos, articles, and testimonials. These stories will be effectively communicated through social media and other communication channels. Also, in each region, the engagement of 10-15 activists and influencers or activists is foreseen to support the dissemination. The overarching goal of the campaign is to engage a wide audience, including at least 50,000 citizens in each territory (a total of 250,000 citizens).

The campaign will be designed by the communication agency together with partner organizations and country clusters representatives.

The maximum expected service fee is 20.000€ and proposals can be sent to  [email protected] and [email protected] until the 15th of October.

Check the tender details


POWGEN is a european project funded by the AMIF-2023 programme of the European Comission, coordinated by Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo ABD in col·laboration with partner organisations ECOSERVEIS (Spain), CRESCER (Portugal), PRO ARBEIT (Germany), C.I.D.I.S (Italy), Regione Campania (Italy) ant the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regiones CPMR at UE-level.

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