Last week we hosted and met with the ICLEI Action Fund representatives to discuss the implementation of the Climate Ready – BCN project.
Exchange of experiencies at the Smart City Expo
On Tuesday 7th of November, members of the Climate–Ready BCN project participated in a knowledge exchange between ICLEI Action Fund 2.0 projects on the use of AI–based technologies at the Smart City Expo.
Representatives from Ecoserveis, ABD, CIMNE and the Barcelona City Council were present together with members from the DigiCityClimate project and the ICLEI Action Fund to discuss the challenges, learnings and achievements with regard to technology, data gathering, data sources and AI-based methodologies planned and adopted to reach the project goals. The group shared the obstacles and challenges found so far in the development of the project and the possible solutions and learnings achieved from those challenges. n addition, there was some time to exchange ideas and good practices between the two projects and ICLEI to share information and find ways of collaboration and mutual support
EACs’ visit
On Thursday 9th of November the focus was on gaining a more in-depth knowledge of the situation in Barcelona regarding energy rights and the services provided within the Energy Advice Centers (EAC) offered by the Barcelona City Council coordinated by Ecoserveis and ABD directed at the population in vulnerable situations. The ICLEI representatives visited the coordination point of the EAC and learned about the services offered by the EACs, how the professionals organise the attention to the citizens and the needs that can be covered with the upgrade of the My Energy App. They also had the chance to attend a co-design session about the visual identity of the project and its adaptation to the My Energy App. The ICLEI team had the opportunity to see firsthand the attention provided at the EAC of Nou Barris, one of the more impoverished neighbourhoods of Barcelona.
With this visit, the ICLEI team was able to get a closer idea of the reality of Barcelona and the actions to prevent and support people affected by energy poverty and the capacities of the Climate Ready BCN project to help the current services and improve the city’s actions to prevent and adapt to the effects of Climate Change.

ABD presentation. Why do we do what we do?
📢 Come to the Europe Day of the LILA project