Four projects access the Next Generation EU funds

The Shelter for homeless people with addictions, La Botiga del Prat, Atenea and La Meva energia are the four projects with ABD participation that got access to the European funds for the economy recovery and transformation Next Generation, managed by the Catalan Government.

Shelter for homeless people with addictions

The shelter for homeless people with addictions in Barcelona will get a bit more than 74,500 euros from the Next Generation fund. It will help cover the expenses derived from the adaptation of the building, air conditioning, water, gas and electricity, adjustment of the fire prevention system, window and sealing repair, materials and furniture purchase (furniture and appliances for the kitchen, the bedrooms, the dinning room, the terrace, the laundry, IT…)


The second project that will get support is Atenea, a technological solution that aims at facilitating the social and sanitary integration and at keeping the people at home, mainly for elderly people.

Atenea uses a smart device, a mobile phone adapted to have an extremely simplified interface that only requires the use of the voice (voice bot). This allows and elderly person or someone with little digital culture, in dependency situation or even autonomous, can manage his or her daily tasks like appointments with Social Services and basic needs that are provided online, through a simple conversation. Atenea will be in charge of managing the online applications and appointments in the person’s name.

Its goal is to fight the existing digital gap, reduce unwanted loneliness (through the establishment of calls and video calls with the loved ones and the surrounding) and increasing the person security, specially at home (as in case of emergency, Atenea can make a call to 112 or an emergency contact). In addition, it can help with the groceries online shopping, to find one’s place in space and time, and make a call to the Social Services professional or getting an appointment.

ABD develops this project alongside Momentum Analytics, Verbio, the General Direction of Digital Society of the Catalan Government, the Cybersecurity Agency of Catalonia and the Barcelona University.

The funds received are more than 2 million euros for the development of the tool and its technical integration, the coordination with the Social Services and participant municipalities in the pilot and its implementation with 500 users in five territories.

La meva energia

The third project is La meva energia (my energy), a digitalisation system of the PAEs, Energy Assessment Points of Catalonia. The general goal is to create an specific information system to manage services to prevent and tackle energy poverty that are developed in the municipal and regional areas of Catalonia and, therefore, to increase the reach of energy poverty interventions (prevention, awareness and protection) expanding the Right to Energy and providing a better attention and a more efficient and efective service (less attention time and less waiting time).

Specifically, the project got around 263,000 € for ABD, Association Ecoserveis and Bitgenoma to develop an app that will allow monitoring the assessment, will offer a social area for citizens, as well as signing documents, automatization of warnings and actions, etc.

La Botiga

The last funded project is La Botiga del Prat de Llobregat, as a model of innovation for the transformation of free food distribution services. The initiative, managed by ABD and Espigoladors Foundation with the support of El Prat municipality, will get about 116,000 € to implement and evaluate the impact of La Botiga and replicate, scale and adapt the pilot to the food distribution services managed by the local and social entities in the Catalan territory. It also includes the conversion of the service towards a food distribution and sales device universal and inclusive, actions to transfer and share the knowledge, dissemination of the model and advocacy.

The goal of these funds is to build a more ecological, more digital and more resilient Europe. 

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